Holy. ****ing. Jesus. Almighty. Christ. It's the Steam Summer Sale! For all that don't know, Steam is a platform to buy and play games on the PC. And they're having a HUGE ****ING SALE Look at all these amazing prices! Welcome to Steam Garry's Mod for 5 bucks, Cities XL 2012 (Just bought 2011 and I'm pissed now) What did you buy at Steam Today?
So far Gaben hasn't managed to **** punch me in the wallet yet. Nothing has grabbed my attention enough for a buy. Dead Island plus DLC for $16 is a great deal for anyone who doesn't already have it.
I got the Binding of isaac with dlc for under 3 bucks. I bought a Ascend tribes start pack for 5bucks and i just got L.A. Noire complete for under 8 bucks. I love Steam sales.
Bought Deus Ex HR for $5 and the Shogun 2 complete collection for $15 the first day,and then KotoR the following day for like 2.50. I missed all the deals today cause of work auuugh. Looking to buy the Civ 4 complete edition package and maybe like Killing Floor or something if I can find friends who'd play
Holy ****! I didn't know that this site is actually also operative in Europe! And a complete Prince of Persia pack for 11 euros?! Those games are mine!! Thanks for posting this Carter! EDIT: Might actually have to consider it twice though, since I never play games on my pc. I guess we'll see.
Bought Arhkam Asylum & City, as well as Gotham City Imposters in case people actually play it on PC. Cost me £17. Absolute steal. Although I'm debating the £36 SEGA one that gives you £307 worth of retro Megadrive/Genesis games. <3
Steam is available for Mac but not that many of the games are. Still plenty of good ones, but it's worth getting a bootcamp partition if you want to buy Steam games in the long run.
So far I've gotten: -Bastion -Batman: Arkham City -Borderlands -Dear Esther -Limbo -Portal -Portal 2 As well as the Free-to-Play: -Blacklight: Retribution -Team Fortress 2 -Tribes: Ascend All for a grand total of $32.64
Isn't Tribes Ascend free to play? I looked at the Binding of Isaac. It seems interesting...let me know how it is. I've spent too much this year, but some things were just too good to pass up. I think the best packs this year are the gta collection and the star wars collection. Ubisoft is pretty decent too, but with some 'meh' games. Bethesda is really good too, but that's more content than I could really sink my teeth into in a life time and it doesn't come with morrowind Ok so I've bought the following: Assassin's Creed Revelations Beyond Good and Evil Driver San Francisco From Dust Might and Magic Heroes VI RUSE Rayman Origins Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction Saint's Row the Third Jade Empire Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast Frozen Synapse: Complete Pack Civ 5 GOTY Star Wars: KOTOR Batman City: Arkham City All Total $115.12 - ****, oh well, at least I've got a lot of diverse games to last me till next year. Frozen Synapse is probably my only 'risky' purchase this year. Last year was Sanctum but I was not dissapointed and that one turned out to be a lot of fun. Every year I try to find at least one co-op game I can play with friends. I looked at getting dungeon defenders, but it didn't look like a game that was too different was from normal tower defense. A lot like Sanctum but with more rpg elements. I'll let you guys know how Frozen Synapse turns out. I wanted Rayman Origins most of all, as I have been missing a whacky ove the top fun game for a while now. KoTor and Jade Empire will probably become my time sinks. I want to beat Arkham City because the combat and the aesthetic were amazing in Asylum. Civ 5 should be good, haven't played a sim sort of game in a long time. Jedi Outcast was amazing as a kid and bot matches should be fun too, had some great maps that could be converted to Halo Forge, if you guys need some inspiration. Saint's Row the Third will be a nice distraction, who doesn't want to beat people up with dildo's? **** Splinter Cell, but I'll give it a go. Ruse could be interesting, same goes for Might and Magic, been missing a fantasy rts for a while. From Dust will be interesting as well. Driver will probably suck. Beyond Good and Evil should be amazing. Haven't tried an Assassin's Creed game yet, hopefully revelations won't dissapoint.
I bought myself the Indie Bundle II and Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition. I also had my steam account hacked and had $20 stolen from my prepaid visa. Got a reply back from steam support saying they can't refund it, and I should simply dispute the charge. Only thing is, it costs $25 to dispute the charge on a prepaid visa... So some little ****ing kid just got away with a federal crime... Thank you, Capitalism!
Is halo 3 ODST here? I typed in halo in the search bar and did not get a single halo game... A link to halo 3 ODST would be nice if anybody can get me one(if it is available .) Edit: nvm,I am a dumbass ;p
Tribes is free but there's starter packs come with free in game items(and items in tribes take AGES to get with experience so its very appealing to buy items if you like the game) Binding of isaac is to oldschoot top downshooters is what supermeat boy is to platformers. Fun,weird and challenging. Last you until halo 4 or Blackops2 or whatever other big titles come out* Also a good idea to buy a game on very last day of sales because there could be a super discount one day and if you buy it day before you be kicking yourself Just realized this is how girls must act at shoe sales. I feel weird that i can relate to that now......
come on who voted for torchlight? 34% to 33% over oblivion. oh well. ive already bought fallout 3, ass creed 2, brotherhood, and revelations.
I'm not paying $60 for a mediocre title ever again. I may pick up Isaac too, vice says it's a lot of fun. I've bought over 15 games for less than two games I would get on the xbox. I would vote for torchlight...anyways, you should get the Bethesda pack, thats a great deal. Sadly I can pass, although Bioshock is very tempting...
GTA San Andreas for $3.74... that's like two bags of skittles. How is this posseebre Edit: Though GTA IV is just 4.99.... i'm really wishing I had a PC at this point..