Vent Your Frustrations!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Xun, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    Time for another rant about my job.

    People who come with massive groups of small children piss me off. Some rides require a 1:1 ratio of adults to children simply because there isn't enough space to fit 3 people in the car/carriage/other. So don't blatantly read out the rules of the ride from the sign out loud, then proceed to ignore them and come ask me if you can sit with both of your kids. I'll give you one ****ing guess what the answer will be you twat. If you don't believe the rules are correct then you can **** back off home to where you won't be an absolute asshat and try and get me to let your kids on the ride. Also, if your kid wants to bring 65 million mates with them you're gonna need to compensate with at least 64 million more adults. The one thing I hate the most is when there's a large group of kids ALL too small to go on their own with about 1 adult. They take FOREVER to decide which one is going to go next and then they proceed to ignore my kind requests to take a step back so I can close the gate and operate the ride safely. Also, don't expect me to keep an eye on your 18 month baby you've abandoned in the pushchair just outside the ride. I've got enough to to making sure all the little shits you bring with you are behaving on the ride. I couldn't give a single **** if some pedo came and took your kid away. You should have thought about that first.

    Also, if you don't understand what I'm saying, don't look at me blankly and expect me to move on. You need to understand that you need adults to go with kids and don't **** me around by swapping and changing 2 seconds before I'm about to start the ride. Think of the other poor people who have got on sensibly and listened to and followed my instructions without complaint. I'm not being racist but Indian families are by far the worst. They bring about 60 kids with 3 adults and all the past sell-by-date grandparents they can find in the nursing homes to the park and then try and get them all to have a go on the ride. The park is a kids theme park so don't bring grandma with you just because she'd die of boredom in the nursing home. Most of the oldies look bored as **** anyway.

    Another thing: don't sigh when I ask you to wear your seatbelt and then roll your eyes and talk as if I can't hear you saying "I don't see the point". Wear them or **** off. Simple. It's my ride, I can tell you to do whatever the **** I want. If I think you're messing me around I could just ban your sorry ass from the ride. Yes. I can do that. Don't treat me as if I'm a slave. I'm working for a living and if your chavy brain can't figure out to stop being a **** and making babies that's not my problem is it? Seatbelts are there for a ****ing reason. I've said this before but it happens every time. Put them on or **** off.

    And dear all the sensible people I served today: Thank you very much and I hope you enjoyed your day.

    Dear all the twats I dealt with today: I hope you crash in your car and die.
  2. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    do you work at disney world?
  3. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No, sky works for and lives with a travelling gypsy carnival.
  4. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    I work at what can be described as a rip off of disney. Our main mascot is even a mouse...
  5. n3rdness

    n3rdness Forerunner

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  6. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
    Senior Member

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    I don't think they have that in England. Which is real shame, cause that place was totally badass when I was a kid. Every Birthday.

    Oh, here's something that I can rant about - how when you revisit a nostalgia-riddled place, movie or game, but realize it's so crappy by an adult's standards that the rose-tinted glasses no longer offer a view to a happier time.

    Simple solution sky. Don't reinforce the rules, and let the problem sort itself out. When they're flung out of their seats, they'll never get on a ride without seatbelts again.
    #606 Tedium, Jul 14, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2012
  7. Security

    Security Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Indian people will get reincarnated anyway.
  8. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    And we have less Chavs for Jeremy Kyle.
  9. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Other than this topic edging towards racism, that rant made me lol.. I understand your frustration as I too work with people sky.. it can be awesome sometimes, but it can also be complete ****, esp if you're tired or have to deal with amateurs who have little to no experience working in the people's business.

    We once had customers who started drinking at like 3 pm on the boat. All of them got drunk except for the mom, the dad kept yelling to change bait and to catch more fish, the daughter just would not shut up (until she ended up passing out), and the boyfriend had to touch and "check" every piece of equipment I placed my hands on. Plus at the end I got a 3% tip -.-

    However, they did start singing Yellow Submarine and Mocking Bird from dumb and dumber... which was... pretty amusing
    #609 Monolith, Jul 15, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2012
  10. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Food poisoning sucks. :\
  11. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
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    I think it's fair to offer that that whole "convinced you're a closet brony and will not rest until I've inducted you" is a total joke. Notice how I threaten to plaster your vm wall with the stuff constantly, but never actually go through with it? I'm just messing with you because I know how much you dislike the fandom.

    Learn my sense of humor or GTFO. :p
  12. Pulpapple

    Pulpapple Promethean

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    Played a few games of invasion, and nearly EVERY game I was one of two or three people on my team who didn't leave - and my teammates sucked.
    So I played a few games of slayer and EVERY single god damn game my team lost EMBARRASSINGLY, getting absolutely raped. My teammates couldn't get above five kills, (or one) and I always ended up getting taken down by the shotgun and once I finally got the shotgun and go in for the kill, their entire team by chance stumbled upon me EVERY ****ING TIME.

    Then I thought, 'hey, perhaps infection would cheer me up' since I can usually commit genocide as a human. DIDN'T EVEN GET THE CHANCE. Nope, I was a zombie ****ing 9 times in a row. The ninth time - you wouldn't believe this - I started as a human, and one of the zombies had quit in the 'very' beginning of the game, and guess who it made a zombie?

    I am ****ING tired of matchmaking in Reach. That is it - I just want to break the game and get on with my life.
  13. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm sorry Pulpaple, but that was hilarious.

    Xun, you haz the shits?

    On another note, wisdom teeth out today.
  14. Security

    Security Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I got mine out two weeks ago.
  15. V

    V Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wisdom teeth are surprisingly not that bad at all. Maybe my guy was just really good at doin this sort of thing but I had absolutely minimal pain after the numbing wore off and the painkillers did the trick and then some. Also living off smoothies, milkshakes, mashed potatoes and mac n cheese wasnt horrible either.

    On topic, crazy ex just broke up with her most recent boyfriend, and texts me a couple nights ago at 2:40am. I'm sleeping at this point because I go to work at 9am, because unlike her I'm productive and have a job. I later respond affirming this and she gets pissy with me saying 'I never had time for her'. I later hear that she actually got called back for a job interview (because she gets this bursts of being a social media *****) at a local Mexican joint which is today, and I think to myself "hmm, good for her." When I wake up this morning and check my phone while getting ready, I see a post from her "calling it a night early tonight for my jooooob intervieww tomorroww <3".

    The post was timestamped at 5am. I facepalmed.
  16. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
    Senior Member

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    I don't have wisdom teeth :D.

    Frustration: I have a crazy grandpa who has been staying with me for a week now, and I haven't had a decent night's sleep yet. He apparently gets the urge at 2 in the morning and start singing at the top of his lungs. For some reason, he attempts to break out go back to his house that is 12 hours away. Yesterday, he took my guitar and walked to the highway to try to catch a ride. Another day, he took my computer and tried to walk out, but luckily I caught him. He also loses things a lot, but when it happens he blames everyone else for 'stealing' it. He leaves today so I am now relieved faic.
  17. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I think thats just an old people thing, my grandmother is the same way (minus the running away bit) My grandpa is loosing his memory, and whenever my grand parents stay over, its like it is our turn to take care of grandpa, whilst my grandmother wanders off, and takes things.
  18. Security

    Security Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's called dementia and it's pretty bad.
  19. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
    Senior Member

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    Sounds pretty hilarious to me... am I a bad person?
  20. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Let's just say I was spewing out both ends for a couple of days. Plus I had the whole cramped gut/aching joints and muscles/massive, brain-splitting headache thing going on all at the same time too, so I wasn't a very healthy person. Imagine when every minimal movement causes your head to throb for minutes afterwards, and your stomach is so sore that you can't even touch it without writhing in pain, and you can barely move because your entire body screams in protest. Now imagine the pressure that goes into throwing up, mixed with the urgency with which one has to find the bucket when one needs to throw up. It sucked. Real bad.

    Also, I'm one of those "lucky" people that have all their wisdom teeth grown in and don't need to get them taken out. At least I have that, right? :p

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