Canvas: Forge World Gametypes: Slayer Author: Yellow Sausage (Cars) Players: 12-16 Download Link:File Share Halo Official Site After the failure of Isolation and Aerodrome I thught that I was useless at forge. I was talking to Quasar about remaking something from Halo 3. We were both thinking of doing a Standoff remake, but it was practiclly impossible. I told him we could use standoff's base for another btb map. I started to make and design it in forge. It was a hard challenge. After finishing both sides red and blue, I thought what to do next. I was thinking back to old halo 3 maps, Valhala and Avalanche. I thought what makes them unique. For Avalanche the Massive lift with the 3 circles. For Valhala, the crashed pelican. Wait. What about putting the lifts and the pelican with the bases to make a mixture of old Halo 3 maps! I thought I had one of the most spectacular ideas ever. I even pissed my pants... Soon I got straight to work. After a few days Section 03 is here for a preview. I'm previewing it so you can give me feedback. Not for the sake of previewing. I'll be very grateful for any feedback. Anyway here is the weapon and vehicle list followed by pictures. Normal=30secs 2 clips Dmr-Normal 2x Grenade Launcher-120secs 2clips 2x Magnum-Normal 2x Rocket Launcher-190secs 0clips 1x Sniper-135secs 1clip 1x Turret-Normal 2x Needle Rifle-Normal 2x Needler-Normal 2x Plasma Pistol-90secs 1x Plasma Grenade-15secs 6x Falcon-120secs 2x Chain-Hog-60secs 2x Rocket-Hog-90secs 1x Ghost-Normal 4x Mongoose-Normal 4x Pictures: Any feedback would be great. Thanks.
While this does look a lot better than your previous maps, I still see some issues here right off the bat. First the map still looks extremely open between the bases the rocket hog platform and the pelican, to the point that even with all this extra stuff the map will likely still play like Hemorrhage, with spartans hugging the sides for cover and vehicles in the middle. I also see that both teleport nodes are right next to each other, making it easy to camp the receiver for the team that get's to the rocket hog platform first. Then the neutral sniper is right next to the neutral rocket hog, promoting someone getting in the hog to pick it up, where 2/3 times they will not even be able to use it, as well as removing one of the weapons that could counter the rocket hog from the other team's hands. Finally, I just have to say that don't you think that combining a defining aesthetic feature from two Halo 3 maps into one is a bit silly? The Pelican in Valhalla helped to set it apart in our minds from other maps, as did the lifts in Avalanche. It seems to me that by putting them both into an otherwise somewhat empty map feels a bit cheap, as instead of creating something new we see two old Halo 3 parts pulled out of context of the levels. It's just my opinion, but I would't call taking parts of other maps and conglomerating them together to be the greatest idea ever.
Trust me, the map isn't that open. I spent ages ajusting LoS so there wouldn't be much DMR camping. I'll get an overview picture soon. I guess it isn't the "greatest" idea. I still pissed my pants... If you look at top-left corner of the 5th picture you will see to way the rocket hog. The rocks cover alot. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I had uploaded moar pictures but they didn't turn up in my File S. Does anyone know why?
lol. That actually worked. Thanks! [br][/br]Edited by merge: I've sorted them things out. The rocket-hog is now near the plasma pistol in the middle. The teleporters have been moved to close by rocks. And more cover for the pelican
There is some cover in the center, but I think the problem still stands. The only infantry friendly positions are located on the outskirts of the map. Also, the map feels disjointed to me. There isn't enough uniformity in the theme, so everything just looks... pasted on. It's hard to explain. I do like the idea of combining two maps, but I think you should expand on that. Instead of taking random aesthetics from each, you could figure out what aspects made gameplay on both maps unique, and try to implent them into the map if possible.
I'll have a look at gameplay when testing. Then I'll take that into account and maybe try implement it.
If im to be honest, and give you some good advice, on Avalanche it wasnt that the gravity lifts were there to look cool they were there to be functional as well and provide more of a wide spread push for infantry and even vehicles if you dared, they also acted as ramps in most cases as well. So you if truly want to keep the gravity lifts in your map, then give them a true function not just a random aesthetic that doesnt look that great in my opinion, you use the wrong pieces for them. The pelican was just there as a call out in Valhalla and a power weapon location, the forged pelican's always look pretty awful and itd be better if you made a true structure that better fits the theme your going for. Now the main bases, they have both a stand off and waterworks vibe, but the design itself is very flat, and there appears to be no cover or angles on its top level to make them stand out as anything more than a blocky base. As far as the maps gameplay goes, you still leave open the more annoying sight lines that hemmorage is blessed with and the awful ability to snipe with little to no effort base to base. I believe you just need to expand more on the theme your going for, and not worry about aestheic qualitys of previous BTB maps, not unless there involved in the design of the bases or something truly useful. Hopefully you understand my concerns, and opinions, as it seems like a good idea but it needs some refining .
Thanks for the feedback Silent. I'll add moar cover/rocks around AGAIN. Also I'll add cover 4 the top bases. Thanks.
Your welcome, I'm just trying to help you along with your design as it screams forerunner to me and I go geeky for forerunner themes. I wouldnt add to many rocks, but I would expand on your grav lift concept, make the grav lift functional and provide cover as well to add more to the theme. I'm thinking burst pipes, I.E. Breakneck or outlets to reduce to pressure/heat build up which are similiar in design to a long generator, that seems to be venting off heat/energy in the form of a grav lift or man cannon. Give it somewhat of a industrial vibe, and make the middle ground bases more linked, I feel that would add much more to your theme, and you can easily do away with the pelican it just doesnt add anything to the map, building a true base would be much more useful.
I wouldn't say it screams forerunner. Really the theme is H3 incorporated with modern Reach which I guess is forerunner but that's what makes it interesting in my perspective. The gravity lift is functional, it just doesn't go very far. Also it breaks up possible camping spots and it a nice aesthetic.
I personally like the pelican then again I really like Halo 3. I like what you did with his map but maybe you could move the pelican towards the map a bit The reason I encourage the use of the pelican though is because it was a feature I enjoyed in 3 but have not seen in any other maps since then. Also try blocking off some useless areas like the cave walkways because people will hang around there and will make your map seem awkward. Hope this helped!
Thanks. Why would I move the pelican forward? Also I don't really get what you're saying bout' the cave. Could you explain a bit?