Looking at your map, I can see why you have issues with enhanced.... Your map is practically the size of 25m enhanced. If you are in the middle you can see everything..... Not exactly built around the gametype
Yes, that was a problem at the beginning ^^ That's why i placed 4 spawns on each bases which are not on the radar if you're on the middle. But i have tested the map 5/6 times with the gametype and i can ensure you, you can't stay a whole game on the middle It's too exposed.
Thanks again for doing all this for us, Cluck. If you need any help now or in the future I will be happy to lend my services, should I be online.
Quadrant Quadrant has some very clean and impressive aesthetics. You definitely chose pieces that worked well with each other and that really goes a long way in making your map look professional. I also enjoyed how each room has its own aesthetic to it. In a map such as this you'd, think it would be confusing to figure out what room you're in, but this is not the case. I can't find any aesthetic complaints. Quadrant, just overall, felt way too segregated. Players could easily camp rooms due to them being so defensible. The doorways leading into each quadrant were too small and grenade-friendly. I could easily control sniper room. There also wasn't much of a reason for players to venture to the bottom of the map. All of the powerups and power weapons are on the highest level. I'd suggest you lower either some of the powerups or equipment to the bottom floor. This would give players reasons to traverse the bottom. Overall, nice map. Eva Eva has some very cool and original aesthetic touches. It is a very well forged map. The subtle green objects used to bring out the color of the map is a feature I enjoyed. The octagon skylight made out of coliseum windows did a great job of aiding making the map not feel too enclosed. One complaint about aesthetics is the teleporters. It took me a while to figure out that the objects with the shield doors are actually teleporters. I think you should make it more obvious to players. I didn't have any other complaints. Eva yielded some decent gameplay. It was fun using the grenade launcher on here. There were some issues, though. The map felt a little too easy for players to escape battles they were losing. I believe this is because the map is fairly close quartered. Maybe open up some areas of it to fix this problem. The only other problem was that there was no kill volume on the edge of the window as my opponent jumped on the side without the camping stool. Eva was a very cool map to test. I look forward to future versions. Water Werks It is hard to say much about Water Werks that I didn't say in its last feedback. Everything I said about it before still holds true, except for the complaints I had. I'm glad you took my suggestions of moving the CPU holder, and the lift looks like less of an eyesore. I couldn't find anything else wrong with Water Werks aesthetically. I couldn't really find too much different, gameplay wise, from this version. I'm glad you moved the column the the wall and I'm glad you did the same with the CPU spawn. The shotgun was an interesting choice, and it surprisingly didn't cause any problems. It was a better than the concussion rifle for sure. I couldn't find anything else wrong with it. Dive Like I said with Water Werks, it is difficult to say much else about the map aesthetically, but I did manage to find a few qualms. The ramps that were added in this version felt terribly out of place. I think you should flip them over so the railing isn't present, it'll look much better. Another thing I want to give you a heads up on is that some people don't like to play on maps with FX. I am not one of them, so it isn't really a complaint. One thing I like about the map's latest iteration is the concussion rifle's spawn. It looks much better than what you had previously there. The back room just does not work. It feels way to forced and slows down gameplay way too much. In my opinion, you should delete it and replace it with a wide hallway. This is the main problem with the map. Everything else worked fairly well and I liked how the concussion rifle spawns later in the game. Banadar Banadar certainly has a unique theme that definitely doesn't follow what other maps present. With that being said, some of parts of the map could be reworked so better pieces can be chosen. It is just that many areas look a little sloppy due to the textures chosen. One thing that caught my eye as being cool was the central pillar. The pieces tyou combined made it look awesome. I suggest that you take what you have with that pillar and build the map's aesthetics to fit it. Lastly, I noticed some framerate when I went up both center lifts if I looked towards the middle. A large problem that made some of the gameplay unenjoyable was the shotgun. It had way too much ammo and this coupled with the shield door area made camping ridiculously easy. My opponent just sat in there and got about four kill before I finally took him out with a plasma pistol. Change the shotgun to where it has zero spare clips and remove the shield doors from each side. Another problem was with the area you exit from the gravity lifts. They are a dead end for people traveling towards the middle. The last problem was with the central atrium. There was only two ways out of it, so make it easier to escape rather than make it a death pit. Good luck with improving your map. Repression The first thing I noticed with Repression was how unified it felt. You did a great job piece wise, such as all of the doors, to make the map have the same theme present throughout. I also like how all of the rooms were easily distinguished from one another, such as one room had human crates while the other had covenant. I also enjoyed how the map was basically built on all right angles, as usually maps don't do that.*My only suggestion aesthetically would be for you to add some rocks to make your map feel even less gray than it is now. I found no big issues, though. It was an enjoyable experience to play on Repression. Bottom parts of the map were actually utilized unlike most maps of similar design. Due to the map being room-based, it was easy to run away when a battle was in your enemy's favor. Honestly I'm not too sure what you could do to suppress this, and I think it all relies on who is playing. The map also felt a tad large. We ran around looking for each other sometimes. Not a huge deal, though. I couldn't find any large issues. Solid map, look forward to the final results. Mojo When I first looked at Mojo, I didn't expect much change from Jinx, but I was wrong. It looks much different in some areas, and it definitely looks much nicer than Jinx.I loved the new walls you put in made out of window coliseums, 1x1 tall and thin blocks and stunt ramps. They are a nice combination I have yet to see in any maps. After spending a good deal of time running around on Mojo, I have no more issues with aesthetics and my praise of the previous versions still holds true. I liked the geometry changes from Jinx to Mojo much more. Gameplay felt quicker and engagements were more interesting. I couldn't pinpoint the change that caused the game to be more fun, but Mojo was far better for 1v1's. My opponent and I were however unable to find any power weapons nor power ups right from the start. I am fairly certain everything was set to not spawn at the beginning because I looked in areas that had stuff later on in the game. I guess it wasn't really a problem, it just seemed a little weird to my opponent and I. Marissa I enjoyed how natural Marissa appeared. I have a partial for maps that include natural elements, so I really like the look of your map. The tiered ceiling made out of window coliseums was awesome and definitely something I had never seen. While the teleporters were nice, I think you should choose a different color, something that'll pop, for the objects that the teleporter is made of. My last complaint was with the walling that surrounded the map felt somewhat plain. I think you should open up some of the walls and make some windows just to add to the map's natural theme. Gameplay on Marissa was decent. The top area was where 90% of the gameplay occurred. I'm honestly not too sure what caused this. Maybe since there wasn't any power weapons to fight over, so we naturally just tried to get to the highest point of the map. If there was a power weapon in the lower areas of the map, it might bring some action there. Jetpack was fun to use, and there wasn't any exploitable areas you could get to with it. Honestly the only problem with the map is how basically all of the gameplay resides on the highest point. Rebirth Rebirth is a nicely forged map. It has some nice attention to detail and nice use of pieces. I noticed some issues, though. I guess it is kind of a pet peeve of mine, but I wasn't a fan of your shield door teleporter. One it is unoriginal, and two it felt out of place on your natural looking map. My second complaint was with the tin cups. They just don't look like regular grass, which is present on your map. I think you should stick to rocks. All in all though, Rebirth has some solid aesthetics. I had a fun time playing on Rebirth for the most part. The map flowed well and it was the perfect size. There are some issues though. The pillars made of 1x1 tall and thins in the central portion of the map. I took out all of my opponent's shields and then he proceeded to run around the pillar until his shields were fully recharged. I still got the kill, but it was an annoyance that can be fixed. The other problem was the lack of routes to the pier thingy in the center. Only having a teleporter up there can cause some camping, so maybe you should add a lift up to it. Other than that, the map was great. Syphon The only change from the previous version of Syphon, aesthetically, were the walls. They look much better now made out of those building pieces rather than the coliseum walls. Syphon overall is an awesome looking map, and my praise of the previous iteration's aesthetics still holds true. This version of Syphon played great. Since the addition of the Grenade Launcher to bottom middle, the area was traversed much more often, and since it didn't spawn at the beginning players couldn't grab both the CP and the Grenade Launcher. Honestly with that problem fixed there isn't anything to complain about in this version. Gameplay was overall solid and fun. Great map and I could see this going far in the contest.
Happy to hear this all, thank you for your feedback. As for the weapons, yes. They were set not to spawn at start. This is partly because the map is small enough so that it would be less than 10 seconds for one to walk from initial spawn to get to CPU/Sniper and then still less perhaps to get to the grenade launcher/sniper. I also have found that when power weapons spawn at start the players rush for them, should they have an idea of where they are. I don't like this preoccupation or obsession with getting to the better tools before your opponent. With weapons and powerups spawning in rather than at start, they are staggered into the game and makes the players rely less on getting to the weapons rather than simply coming across them and relying on the DMR in their hands. The alterations to the map I had some concern about. However they seem to have been for naught from your own brief response. Thank you for the insight and here's to your own 1v1 map.
Just a few questions; how did you feel about the cover that Mojo offered players? Also, Did spawning ever become an issue? And finally, was the map used as a whole or did combat gravitate anywhere?
Thanks for the feedback. The fact that you can get away easily is the type of gameplay I was aiming for. I figured radar would elongate chases so to level the playing field, you should be able to get away. I'm not sure what to do about the teleporters. Since both the entrance and exit are the only places with the shield doors, people would make the connection. I guess I should get to coming up with a different teleporter. One more thing, I don't know what you mean about "kill volume", forgive me, I'm unfamiliar with the term. Once again, thanks for the feedback
@yellow: I'm pretty bad with using rocks, but it's worth a shot. @blue: Two strong points. I'm assuming it's because the second floor is only 2-units wide everywhere and it's generally more exposed. As for people running away, I'm blaming the fact that it's room-based, like you said. I could probably benefit if I widen doors and just chop down some walls to open it up more. @purple: quite an honest problem. There's some potential for solving this but I'll have to see. Thank you for the feedback. I might have to reforge it, but you've made some good points that I can address.
I forged a new map which will be a little more adapted to the gametype i think. The map is 1v1 Garden. I'm open to any feedback, on Legacy or Garden.
Alright, thanks for the feedback once more. I'll go ask around for other people to test it and tell me their opinions to get a more true answer from the community. But was the shotgun even really used? =/ I think Enhanced Radar kinda makes people too aware to get close.
I don't know if people want my feedback on this as well, but I tested a couple maps from here and other 1v1 submissions. I still have to play on Audiences maps and Career's.
Im sure Cluck doesnt mind, and I know I don't. In fact I think it's best to post feedback if you are willing to. More the merrier!
I was able to use it to get my opponent's shield half down and then switch to my dmr for the kill. But if you want to switch it out with another weapon, it might be a good idea