I ninja all the time, I get like 2 to 3 per game, I try to limit myself. I have over a hundred clips of ninjas, but I play on 5 sensitivity so I can give you eye candy with 360 backsmacks and all that jazz. Do you guys still think I should publish all my clips?
I'm surprised you save clips of all those. I ninja a lot of people so I would be more interested in your technique than just watching the ninjas. Maybe for people who don't assassinate that often it's a novelty and a montage would be good but I can't speak for them.
My style in ninjaing is tricking people, or hiding around corners, or leading them into the spot. Of course I save ninjas
I like to trick people with the hologram or jetpack on top of them, yes I would like to see some of your ninjas.
If you stay there for more than three seconds that starts to get noobish. For the most part I figure out where the enemies go then get behind them by taking a parallel path or ducking behind cover for a second while they pass. Unfortunately I mostly play BTB where assassinations are almost impossible.
No more ninjas! At least no more on me But yea, I think that would be an awesome montage, if you have enough clips then go for it mayne
This style interests me because its something I actually do in game and i think is actually viable choice in competitive game play in certain situations. Not just the "running away jump backwards over someone and melee" ninja's I don't find that interesting.
Yeah, I know about how it starts to get noobish, I got ninjad today for like the first time in months because I thought someone was AFC. I don't stay around corners like waiting, I look at them then act like I run away, I can post a few clips in the Video section if you guys are actually interested.
I'll watch it. I wish I could make my own montage but I don't have the materials to capture the clips
After Paints embarrasingly ninja'd me on a Linear Progression map, I think I feel a little too blue to watch any more of those clips. No I'm just kidding, I love 'em! I'll watch it too.