Pulpapple presents... Vurghon is the sanctuary of royalty - a city ruled by monarchs. Here, your team will compete against other teams in the passing burrow of the planar sky city for recognition of the royal family. Vurghon is a symmetrical, and dynamical map. Players spawn on polar sides of their competing team and must use team coordination, support positions and skill to their advantage - regardless of the gametype. While Vurghon is considered a small-medium sized map, the use of forge allotments, and weapon placements encourages a variety of tactics to be used to advance on or counter the situation. Blue team [mouseoverimage=http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q497/Pulpforge/BLUETEAMUNCOVEREDFINISH-1.jpg]http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q497/Pulpforge/BLUTEAMFINISHED-1.jpg[/mouseoverimage] Move mouse over the image to see more details. Red team [mouseoverimage=http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q497/Pulpforge/REDTEAMUNCOVEREDFINISHED-1.jpg]http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q497/Pulpforge/REDTEAMFINISHED-1.jpg[/mouseoverimage] Move mouse over image to see more details. Mid Structure Mid level [mouseoverimage=http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q497/Pulpforge/Middle-2.jpg]http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q497/Pulpforge/cover-1.jpg[/mouseoverimage] Underlevel [mouseoverimage=http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q497/Pulpforge/Middleunder-1.jpg]http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q497/Pulpforge/Middle-2.jpg[/mouseoverimage] Loadouts Sprint: Assault rifle Magnum 2x frags Hologram: Assault rifle Magnum 2x frags Gametypes Gametypes are pre-made for Vurghon, but other players are encouraged to also create their own suitable for their own fun, as Vurghon is a multi-purpose map. The current gametype download link is for One Bomb Assualt One Bomb Assault Multi-flag Territories Slayer (coming soon) Other Screenshots[/CENTER] Thank you for your time! Comments and questions are appreciated, and I did send this in to the Halo Waypoint contest.
To be completely honest, and granted I have obviously not played this, but it seems to be a big team battle map. Just from pictures of course. I take it you have tested this with 16 people?
The pictures may give the appearance that it is a bit larger than it really is. In my perspective, I believe it would be hard to adjust this map into BTB. Spawning for example, wouldn't allow for many more locations - at least safe ones. Sprint also minimizes the map, and I feel that if one team were to monopolize kills, then it would be perpetual until the end of the game, since there is only one general direction (on a large scale) to go due to the shape of the map - despite the impediments in place to encourage players to travel more than just in a line. Although, the map is made in a way that if your team can travel safely to the other end, the two towers are great counter positions (which is why team coordination is important), and players can spawn near the towers if they are being spawn killed...so it would be something to test out. Due to the amount of time I had to create, test, and furnish the last bit of details on the map for the Halo Waypoint contest, I was only able to provide my final work for Team Objective gametypes. But, my next goal is to have a slayer gametype (possibly BTB as well), and perhaps even infection (instead of a rocket launcher, I'm contemplating on whether or not I should replace it with a turret, and fortify the bottom area of the middle of the map). 0_o EDIT: After thinking about it, Vurghon sizes about roughly 1-3rd, to 1-4th of the size of Hemorrhage. A little small compared to other BTB maps (not that it would be bad), and having objectives could mitigate the intensity of bloodshed on a map smaller than what regular BTB players would be used to. And sorry for the long post - It's sort of a habit of mine lol
I gotta say the forging looks clean.it looks like you are going for the approach of picking up armor abilities rather then spawning with them. Aesthetics are interesting and neat. Got my dl.
Thanks. The bubble shields can come in handy and limiting it to merely two on the map prevents bubble spamming on a map that is meant to be balanced. I had some of my MLG friends help me with the load-outs, and they didn't exactly care for a large selection lol.
The middle structure looks sick, and aesthetics are simple and sounds that 16 can get Fun in that, cool. The way you get the actual presentation pictures get my vote. Really, amazing and atractive. I'll download it and play in my TGIF next friday. Lets see the action going on here. Probably I'll indicate this for the FH favorites next round. It is definetly a YES from me.
Due to the amount of time I had to create, test, and furnish the last bit of details on the map for the Halo Waypoint contest, I was only able to provide my final work for Team Objective gametypes. But, my next goal is to have a slayer gametype (possibly BTB as well), and perhaps even infection (instead of a rocket launcher, I'm contemplating on whether or not I should replace it with a turret, and fortify the bottom area of the middle of the map).
Words of advice: there are only five initial spawn points on both ends. If you want to try BTB, you may want to plug some more in. ;D Yes...that's exactly what I said. 0.o Any thing of significance you would like to add, or are you merely trying to sell your sunglasses?