Regicide looks like it can be easily constructed in Halo Reach using the Juggernaut gametype. The only issue I can foresee with it being made in Reach is that the player with the first kill does not become the King but rather is chosen at random at the start of the game. It might actually be pretty fun to test drive it in Reach.
Pfft, I actually enjoy multiple opponents coming towards me rather than me having to hunt for people. Less work on my part, so I think I'm going to enjoy that gametype.
Slayer "with a twist" = Slayer for people who don't like slayer. They'll abandon it soon enough. Eh. Headhunter was awesome. Don't diss it.
Yeah, really. Headhunter is far from awesome. It's a game seemingly designed to frustrate your best attempts at strategy and to encourage people to NOT play the objectives. You get the most kills and fewest deaths by a combination of never picking up skulls, and hanging around near the hills shooting people. So annoying. It seems good on paper but neither it nor stockpile really worked out IMO, and neither is a patch on CTF or assault. I think the best objective games are more focused. The more complicated they get, with multiple flags or skulls and multiple cap points (often moving around randomly), the less enjoyable they are, unless you just enjoy chaos.
This right here describes a significant enough proportion of the Halo population to have an impact upon development choices.
the CoD population loves chaos more than anything in the world, they'll definitely jump ship to halo for 5 bomb multiflag headhunter
One thing Reach lacked was a map specifically for 1-Flag CTF. Halo 2 had Zanzibar and Relic, Halo 3 had Last Resort, High Ground, Ghost Town, Longshore and Orbital (though it made great 2-Flag as well). Reach had nothing.
it didnt even seem to have good 2-flag maps either. i kind of really hated objective in reach, even a little in h3, so heres to hoping they make vehicles not suck and fix that poop up and boardwalk really isnt... powerhouse was just okay. there was a while after initial release where every flag game was a retarded stalemate.
I haven't played a game on either where I've actually cared what the outcome is. It may be possible to play 1-Flag on those maps, but it doesn't make it enjoyable. And toying with the other team gets boring if it's the third game in a row.
Valhalla and Sidewinder from Halo 3 were the best for 2 flag. I miss Halo style maps, none of the maps in Reach were styled the same way, or they were really awful remakes. "Ivory Tower" (reflection) being a decent exception.