hey I need you're help guys, I've had this Ipod since mid Aprill and in needs a case, I've only been able to find one that is close to my liking and if you want to see it click here. I'm hoping not to go any higher than that but if its completley epic, then I will consider it. post the links to it so I may see. Thanks!
Just out of interest, why does everyone need a case for their stuff? Everybody around me got a phone case for their overpriced smart phone, I just take care of mine? Where is the big problem with not dropping your phone? Or do you want it because it looks good?
Ipod Touch please. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I want a case for it to look good, and give it some amount of protection.
I've heard Otter Box makes some pretty good and durable cases. iPod Touch 4G Cases & Covers | OtterBox.com
you should look at the ones with external battery packs. Unless you have holes in your pocket, your case does not need to be so fancy.
When I bought this Ipod I have now, I had a chance to take up on one of those cases for free, but I didn't because it just wasnt my style. I can't find any for Ipod Touch?
I needed a case since the iPhone 4 is completely glass, ( stupid ). But the otter boxes really are the best. They make a little bulky but it's worth it. I can't remember what mine is called, but it covers the entire phone & even has a plastic screen cover. Get it on eBay or amazon too, saves you at least $20.
I bought a black rubber case with a little plastic screen cover for like $25. Rubber cases absorb a good amount of fall damage in my experience, and I've never broken, cracked/chipped it or anything (been using smart phones for 'bout 4 years). Imo, just get one that's rubber