Android Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Pegasi, May 20, 2012.

  1. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    Phones with keyboards generally arent going to be the powehouse you're looking for, they just don't appeal to the masses. The best phone with qwerty keyboard would no doubt be the Droid 4, but since you're on sprint anything will do. The best phone for gaming right now (on Sprint) is the Galaxy S2 (Mali-400 Gpu) and the Evo 4G LTE (Adreno 225 GPU). The Evo is a part of the newest generation of phones and is probably better in every area than the S2, so if you can get it I would recommend it.

    EDIT: However, the Galaxy S2 Skyrocket is NOT the Galaxy S2, the gpu and cpu are different, it uses the Snappdragon S3 SOC, and it's not the best. Your local sprint still will probably not carry the normal S2's now (they are in fact better than the Skyrocket) so you might have to find one online if that's what you're looking for. But again, the new Evo is your main man as of now.
    #41 MultiLockOn, Jun 5, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2012
  2. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    thanks for the lowdown on that.
  3. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    I'm replacing my iphone with another smartphone soon, and I'm thinking of switching to an android, or a windows phone.

    Both iphones I've had have broken in the same way, the screen has shattered from being dropped out of my pocket (Both shattered the first time they were dropped), and both iphones have stopped connecting to my computer a few months after I've owned them, for no reason. I dislike not being able to add music to my phone.

    So, talk me into buying either an Android, or Windows. Or, you know, keep me on the iPhone, but I doubt that'll happen.
  4. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    If you know how to use technology buy an android. If not buy an iPhone. If you want to use an underdeveloped platform for some strange reason, or are a microsoft fanboy buy a windows phone.
    Samsung galaxy s2 is great performance and is an affordable price, i think its the most popular
  5. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
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    Turns out I'm a retard. My phone is a Galaxy S, not a Galaxy 5. Duhhhhr. :p

    Senior Member

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    Both Android and the iPhone have the capability to transfer files over WiFi without the need for a physical connection to a PC. Both screens will shatter if you drop them. Don't drop them.
  7. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    Rightside! Love! I got your back

    Doesn't mean some glasses aren't stronger than others. I have a galaxy s2. If it was an iphone, it would've be destroyed by now. Not just shattered, I mean destroyed. You'd be surprised the phone still works if you would've seen some of the ways I've dropped this thing, it's bounced down the stairs in my house and belly flopped on the tile. Not a scratch though, nothing. Gorilla Glass is just sexy like that :) The iPhone would've been obliterated.

    But you're right. People are people and they make mistakes, but do your best not to drop your phone. In the end it comes down to luck. Someone with an iPhone can drop it a hundred times before it gets a scratch, or you can drop it once and have it land on the perfect spot to shatter the entire screen. That's really it.

    Rightside, if you're actually interested in learning a tid bit about both platforms, watch this series of 5 videos. They're a bit long, but you won't regret it :)

    Part 1
    Android Vs iOS The Truth about Apple and Google's OS Part 1 of 5 - YouTube
  8. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Samsung Galaxy S2 has Gorilla Glass, tougher than iPhone screens by a reasonable amount. There were a bunch of videos comparing the two in "drop tests" etc.

    LIGHTS, you're right about wireless transfer, it's a solid system and quite fast if you've got good reception on both computer and phone (though I never knew you could do with it iOS devices as well, when did they implement that?).

    But I still find myself using the cable because it gives the familiar interface of a removable device in Finder/Windows Explorer, just like a USB drive. This isn't possible with iOS, and if you want more (ie. any) control over your filesystem then go for Android.

    Also, I can't see you running in to the same problem with the phone suddenly not connecting when it's an Android. It connects just like a USB drive, so unless you physically damage the port then I think you'll be safe.

    I'm pretty biased towards Android because, despite being a staunch OS X user, I really see nothing appealing about iOS apart from it being pretty user friendly, but this benefit isn't worth the increase in cost imo. If you don't necessarily want a high end device, then you could get an Android with specs similar to the later iPhones for a lot cheaper.

    EDIT: Schnitzel, the S is still a solid phone if you ask me, despite being 2 gens old. Have you put a custom ROM on it? There's still a decent amount of mileage in that hardware, pretty disappointed Samsung never released an official ICS update.
    #48 Pegasi, Jun 25, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2012
  9. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Well, my android got stolen as I said before. I couldn't even tell you what version it was >.< because I got it from my older brother for 50 bucks. I just got an iphone again (I had one before I had the droid) and love the user friendliness. If you have version 4 or 4S you can set up iCloud and get 5gb of contacts/notes/etc backed up wirelessly for free, that and you can track your phone/erase all the data wirelessly thru icloud if you setup the right app. The iphone 4 has two cameras which is, admittedly, kind of cool. The iphone is smaller because it's "more accessible with one hand" which I find to be somewhat true. As far as the switch from droid to iphone again -> I really enjoy the convenience. I'm not the most tech-savy person so having a more intuitive route is fine by me.

    On a side note, I very rarely drop my phone. I've known people who've dropped their iphone on the pavement from their pocket and it's cracked. I don't put it through much tear and wear, other than I must've listened to my old iphone's ipod feature for a good looooong time.
  10. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
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    I prefer Android since they give you way more control over your device, and I can't stand Apple's position on not letting you change your battery, add more memory, or use SD card, or have a USB dock.
  11. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    I thought the iPhone 4S had Gorilla Glass as well. Maybe not, don't care enough to look it up. Either way, Gorilla glass isn't impregnable. My buddy smashed his Galaxy S2 screen twice in the first couple months of owning the phone. All glass can break, and will, if it hits wrong. Myself, I maybe dropped by Galaxy S twice in the nearly 2 years I've had it. And both times was able to get a shoe/foot underneath it. Its not too terribly hard to keep a phone safe from harm if you're careful. And this is coming from someone who.. ahem.. gets blackout drunk and very careless pretty much every weekend.

    Pegasi, there's apps in the apple appstore that will let you transfer wirelessly.
  12. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
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    I've dropped my Captivate so many times I can't even count. Its also been dropped into puddles of water and been fully submerged for more than a minute, and it works fine.
  13. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    The iPhone uses some off brand glass that claims it's as tough as gorilla glass, which I have a hard time believing. Regardless, all glass breaks, you're right. Scratch resistant doesn't mean shatter proof :)
  14. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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  15. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    I've seen things like this posted around. Pretty cool idea, I'm interested to see how it'll play out in the long run.
  16. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    They made their $950,000 kickstarter goal in under 12 hours and have carried on strong since then. I think this thing could turn out pretty well, and it's a nice price. I went for the $99 pledge, and they keep adding more to that level because it's selling out so fast. The $95 went ones went incredibly quickly, so if you're considering this then I'd advise getting in quick, I doubt they'll extend it for ever and the increased numbers are only lasting a further couple of hours at this point.

    I was looking at a Mele A2000, as I said before, but this thing is only marginally more expensive for: Tegra 3 rather than Allwinner A10, 1GB rather than 512MB RAM, includes controller, better build quality and better ROM (both assumptions, but pretty safe ones), plus it's designed to be hacked. Even in March 2013 that'll be a good deal.
    #56 Pegasi, Jul 10, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2012
  17. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    It's an interesting design and proposition. Where they will have problems is where OnLive and other video game streaming services have trouble. The way the video game business is currently is that market share power is concentrated in the 3 major console makers. Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. The major publishers, EA, Activision, Square Enix, THQ, Disney Interactive, etc make deals with both the console makers for licensing and the brick and mortar stores to maximize profits. An open source, cheap console is essentially everything these large corporations hate and would stomp on given the chance (as they have tried to do with OnLive).

    Could it find niche success, sure, but they do have a very uphill battle to secure any kind of profitable market share. Hell, Microsoft continued to produce the original Xbox despite it never becoming profitable just to gain market presence against Sony, Sega (they still had a console at this point) and Nintendo.
  18. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Isn't Kickstarter awesome?! That is incredible.
  19. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I don't think that's entirely true. PC gaming is pretty massive right now. I think On Live's situation is complex. Imo they don't advertise enough, and they also have the barrier of an unfamiliar environment, where plenty of people are put off by feeling that they don't "own" the games. The second you're without internet, or even without a good enough connection, and you no longer have access to games you paid for. It's like always-on-DRM + 1. I also think that it's a tricky market, since it's an inherently PC system, yet most PC gamers are obviously going to put a decent amount of money in to the hardware, making the appeal of On Live within the environment they've chosen to be limited. I think if they could pull something like Netflix does on consoles then they'd have a better time, as you could have high end PC graphics on a 360. The kind of people they're aiming at are people who think "I want decent games but not to shell out on high end PC hardware" and I think these are the kind of people who buy consoles rather than an Alienware etc. But obviously the people in charge of/who hold weight in that environment (both MS/Sony and the major publishers) aren't going to be keen on letting that happen.

    Compare that to Steam, however, and you see that a non console controlled environment can work very well. Now a good part of that is down to how truly awesome Valve are, but it still proves a point. I think this is somewhat more comparable to Steam than On Live, or at least something like the "Steam Box" idea that was rumoured a while back. Now they just need the titles to make it a worthwhile investment, and on Android that's far from impossible. If publishers see a decent platform, worth porting major titles to, or even developing for (which this is imo), then it could well happen. Massive gamble, yes, but I think it's got more potential than On Live in the current environment.

    That said, you're not wrong about the dominance of the console environment. I can also see why you're taking that angle with this, as the console form puts it up against the big guns in a sense. But I also think that the Steam Box comparison is worth making, as plenty of PC gamers aren't necessarily put off consoles simply because they're consoles, but because of the nature of the environment. This looks to overcome that in the same kinda way as the Steam Box, meaning it can have some significant appeal to non console gamers, as long as the titles are there.

    True dat. This project is now just shy of 3m, after only 2 days, with 28 left to go.... Mind = blown, I can only imagine what the project leads themselves must be thinking right now. They actually sent out an email yesterday to all the people who made a pledge, basically saying a massive thank you for the overwhelming support, and making clear that the huge influx of pledges WILL change their plans. They haven't said how yet, and are actually taking suggestions on how to use the extra cash, but it's good to see that they're taking this support seriously. It must feel pretty good to have an idea like that and see so many people rally behind it. It's pretty clear that they didn't bank on this much support, I just wish we could see their faces right now.
    #59 Pegasi, Jul 11, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2012
  20. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Hell if this thing gets big I'd be willing to tinker around with one, see what I can do :) I need to brush up on my C++ :p

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