Thanks for the Lilla feedback! I wasn't really sure how to make a 1v1 and now I know what I meed to fix. Thanks
Its nice to see you helping out and giving everyone feedback cluck , looks like your points are really helping people with their designs and gameplay in general of their maps. I'll join you for some customs this week if youd like the help and just some games in general , hopefully Ill feel up to it when you do this weeks been a wreck.
Map: Eva(temporary name) Description: A 3 atrium asymm. I made this map only a month before Smackdown was announced. It was designed for 1v1 initially but it plays pretty well for 2v2. There is another version of the map fit for 2v2 and no radar. Feedback: Spawns and any trouble with radar as I do suspect some.
Alright, So I fixed some things, and added new weapons, and respawn zones. So will you test it again? Map: Water Werks Feedback: Gameplay, Asthetics, Respawns
Map Name: Banadar File Share Link Description: I took the central structure in one of my old Team Slayer maps and updated it for use with the Smackdown settings. It is a three-level indoor facility showcasing a conflict weapon over a circular pit and some medium-long sight lines for precision weapon use. Feedback: gameplay, weapon placement and timing.
Just thought I'd let everyone know that the next feedback post won't be posted until Wednesday night. Sorry for the delay.
Yeah, its fine. I figure I'll put up Jinx 0.7.1 next. Some edits were made, your input shall be welcome. Perhaps I could even get a game with you on it.
Map: Repression Feedback: Gameplay (Camping, flow, LOS) This is completely room-based with one central room connecting 4 more. I honestly forged this for the sake of getting back into forge, so I didn't stress much for this. Though since I may as well submit it here, I'm worried about the pace of play considering there are no viable LoS and, therefore, opportunities to camp.
Jinx is no more, it shall be called Mojo from now on. This is the Smackdown version and Jinx will be released at a later date as it was origionally intended and with it's origional custom gametype. Mojo can be downloaded here, any feedback is helpful and welcomed.
Map: Marissa Feedback: Size and everything else EDIT: The link now has an updated version with fixed spawns and such.
Something to remember while testing; in addition to avoiding areas where players can perpetually avoid their opponent (Thick run-around columns and things of the like) also test the maps to assure that your opponent can't continuously outrun you without eventually being cornered or stopped in some fashion. Happy testing!
Map: Landing Bay (File Share Halo Official Site) Feedback on: mostly gameplay like flow, balance, jumps, cover, lines of site, etc. however, any feedback would be great like aesthetics or weapons
Wow, Cluck, you are doing a great thing writing all this feedback for the community. You can always send me an invite if you need someone to help you test. While on the topic of testing, if anyone wants someone to play against on their map feel free to send me an invite. I am usually on between 6:30-1:00 EST. If I do not join it is only because I am either helping someone else test or my family is watching movie on Netflix.
Map:Rebirth File Share Halo Official Site Feedback: anything of concern This is a rebuild of an older map of mine that was very solid gameplay wise. It was deleted due to a save over glitch. I especially want to know if spawning is working well. Any other ideas or criticisms are welcome as well.
Map:Syphon Feedback: Just about anything. Now that I've moved the Grenade Launcher to the centre, I'd just like to know of any issues that may have been missed during the original testing session.
Anything posted after this will be in the feedback after the next. Again, expect feedback tomorrow night.