
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by mazdak26, Jul 8, 2012.

  1. mazdak26

    mazdak26 Forerunner

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    Introducing my all-new Grifball map, Eminate!

    Eminate is my first Grifball map to be posted on Forgehub. It's sleek, it's shiny, and it plays well (well, as well as any other Grifball court would). It is a standard, 18x22 map with health packs on both sides. There is no lag even when playing split-screen with 8 players. However, the thing that makes it stand out the most is the attention to detail and design. I have made sure that there is as little gray in the court as possible and new kinds of decorations that I have never seen in a Grifball court before.

    But enough from me, see for yourself!

    a good look at the court
    The side of the court where the health packs spawns
    a better look at the floor
    a closer look at the wall-hop

    me looking cool on this cool map.
    Give this map a download and tell me in the comments what you think of it!
    #1 mazdak26, Jul 8, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2012
  2. GetRdy2Fall

    GetRdy2Fall Forerunner

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    This is one of the better looking grifball maps. All of the paterns on the walls and floor make it look really good, good job
  3. Naughty Badger

    Naughty Badger Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Nice work on the map. Most grifball maps have a grid on the floor, but with this unique design I think it looks better without it. Most grifball maps have the same gameplay, so aesthetics are big and you did a good job with this map
  4. Zero Point

    Zero Point Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    - Needs wall-hop (1.1 units above the floor of the map)
    - Capture plates must be .3 height, .5 radius. (just in case it's not that already)
    - You don't need a capture plate to spawn a bomb, just a flag stand.
    - Health packs need to be set to 30 second respawn (just in case it's not)

    Other then that, it does look pretty good.
  5. mazdak26

    mazdak26 Forerunner

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    Alright, I was not aware of these specifications, thank you.

    V2 is on the way!
  6. Zero Point

    Zero Point Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Stuff like that is pretty much the bread and butter for any Grifball map. As far as I can tell though, it's something I would vote for in matchmaking, even over one of my own maps.
  7. IzI Shade IzI

    IzI Shade IzI Promethean

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    I like the pattern on the floor, it looks very pretty. Good job on no framerate lag.

    It would be very cool to see this map in matchmaking. To me it deserves it.
  8. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Great job, you used a lot of different objects, you even used glass so it's extra cool that there's no framerate lag whatsoever. I really like the flooring too. It looks almost like some kind of flower to me!
  9. SawtoothMoney86

    SawtoothMoney86 Forerunner

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    wow you trully followed the idea of think otuside the box, awesome job the designs are all unique and actually look good together and this map would be a blast just looking around but of course you'd play grifball on it instead, great awesome map definitely keep up the good work and maybe try to make some infection or competitive maps or maybe aesthetics maps because it really looks like you'd trully be a pro, awesome job
  10. Zero Point

    Zero Point Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    There, threw in a word for you over on GrifballHub for this map.
  11. mazdak26

    mazdak26 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Wow, thanks a lot! This is so helpful for my map and I really appreciate it!

    Edited by merge:

    *Updated to fit grifball specifications again (this time it was checked by Nuclear Taco 42 (The guy who makes sure that all the matchmaking grifball maps were up to specifications (And yes, parenthesis inside parenthesis is grammatically correct (parenthesisception).).).).
    #11 mazdak26, Jul 28, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2012

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