Sorry if this is already posted somewhere, I haven't realised, but here are a few details of Halo 4's forge mode courtesy of destructoid. An 'exclusive video' is apparently to be uploaded tonight also. RTX: Halo 4 Forge details unveiled -Destructoid
Link Hey guys. I just found out that forge for Halo 4 was previewed yesterday at RTX. So, I thought I'd come here to see what fellow forgers think of the new changes that are in the article. Awesome. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Just noticed the other thread... Well off to work.
I'm so glad they fixed the lighting and shading for the objects. Am I the only one here who's been screwed over by that? I am a little concerned for the details in the textures though.
Im terrified at the framerate and other problems from this, how many other things does it have to load now?
There is probably some counter to this, either with the engine keeping it light, or you having to personally add lighting, I'm sure they've improved a large amount of forge, Halo:Reach was in production for 2-3 years but Halo:4 has been for 5 I believe. So they've had plenty of time to make it perfect.
Hope that wasn't their "grand release" of forge footage lol. Atm doesn't seem like they've added a lot to forge, at least so far. But I'm guessing they'll be able to do much more when the next xbox comes out.
Forge: What we Think we know, so Far The Following was taken from the videos showing Halo 4's Forging System. I've compiled it into a nice list for you guys. Spoiler Gadgets - Explosives Powerups Cannons, Men - Cannon, Man Cannon, Man, Heavy Cannon, Man, Light Cannon, Vehicle Gravity Lift S????? Volumes Trait Zones Teleporters Shields(?) Spawning - Objectives - Scenery - Vehicles - Structure - ??????????????? Building Blocks - Block 1x1 Block 1x1, Flat Block 1x1, Short Block 1x1, Tall Block 1x1, Tall and Thin Block 1x2 Block 1x4 Bridges and Platforms - Bridge, Small Bridge, Medium Bridge, Large Bridge, XLarge Bridge, Diagonal Bridge, Diag, Small Dish Buildings - Bunker, Small Bunker, Small, Covered Bunker, Box Bunker, Round Unlit Bunker, Round Bunker, Ramp Pyramids Decorative Doors, Windows and Walls Inclines Blocks Cost $10 Buildings Cost $150 Platforms Cost $10 Man-Cannons Cost $100 Trait Zones Cost $30 Exiting, isn't it? I can hardly wait! Noxy edit: merged into "Forge in Halo 4".
It's still very much BETA, and Frank said the UI is temporary. Also that's 1 out of 3 forge maps, similar to H3 with Sandbox and Foundry. Ravine and two others. I'm very very excited for this!
So sexy, it really looks like Halo 3, the improvements looks only about making forge noob friendly and not making everything look so messy, and more customization.
Dynamic lighting actually saves power; instead of the engine having to re-render an object for every lighting effect on it, it puts them all through an equation then saves that state as part of the map. Therefore, only one instance of everything instead of twelve. Also, keep in mind that the shadows might NOT be dynamic; therefore, a complete box won't be black, it will only be as dark as the shadow's cast by the roof objects. Just contemplate ALL possibilities before leaping to conclusions.
Lets keep this discussion about forge, not gameplay footage or other maps or what have you. (Splits thread.) Indoor maps and dynamic lighting didn't occur to me... That's an interesting thought.
Agreed. Besides, it's not like they're running dynamic lighting in the current Reach engine. They've obviously upped the ante quite a bit in terms of graphical capability, and while I'm certain lining up all the glass objects and lights up in one spot will cause framerate lag, I'm just going to assume that they've improved the engine enough to handle simple shadows without the game having a siezure. I mean, some of you are already saying that people won't be able to make anything larger than a 2v2, which is kind of a ridiculous assumption. On a side note, I know the UI is in Alpha, but they should have shown us at least a few new items rather than a bunch of retextured objects from Reach. They look nice, but that HORSE video really disappointed me.
Possibly, but if not too dark, it will provide an awesome aesthetic when contrasting the open air and roofed areas.
Ya sorry for that I thought I was in the "halo 4 general discussion" thread when I posted that then I realized my mistake.
More is definitely to come. It's probably an older build to show people that there have been moderate changes to just the tool we're already used to. What they talked about here seems like they are focusing on what's needed, but I can't help but think the player trait zones are too limited of a trigger concept. Still so much better than not having it. But, now I want all the details...
It should be noted (i probably should read the thread before saying this, but whatever) that you get 16 trait zones, at least that's what I think I saw in the very blurry video, and confirmed 4 different custom settings you can use for them (alpha, etc).