I just bought minecraft only to have a screen pop up and say "You're credit card has not been charged" *redirects* Thank you for purchasing Minecraft! My account isn't premium, but I don't want to buy it again and charge the card twice (not sure if it charged the first time).
As of today, I hate being interrupted while watching Doctor Who. I'm trying to get caught up, Goddamnit, I don't care how important it is that I listen to your offer on timeshares. Also, wiffy pits are gross, why does nobody in my family wear deodorant.
It's my thread, I can post as much **** as I want to post. Shouldn't have gone to Pizza Hut for dinner tonight. Wasn't completely finished digesting my lunch and my friends decided it would be a good idea to go there for dinner... at about 5.30. I'd only had lunch at about 2pm. I'm now sitting here with a slightly overfull stomach and a creeping fear that I know I'm going to get bad-ass indigestion tomorrow. Can't help it, it's the 'Hut, man... There, was that good enough, Flingo?
Well, I was playing Infection and just happened to be a zombie SIX turns in a row!!! The seventh round of playing (third game), I happened to spawn human...until some asshole had quit the game as a zombie and placed ME as a zombie a few seconds into it.
Hahaaa! This happens on a normal basis for me. When I'm zombie, I either kill everyone, or die a ****-load of times. If I get off on a bad start, I drop the controller and grab a snack or take a break. (While the game is still going of course.)
my mother is slightly paranoid and very forgetful (not a good combo) she will set these obscure passwords for itunes, xbox account (which i needed to edit my profile) computer/setting password (which our family "shares"), etc., then forget them. then I spend the rest of the day tracking/begging the various providers to relinquish our passwords. repeat every 3-4 months
People who look at their phones while walking in a public area. ****ing, shut up. I know there's nothing wrong with it, but it still irks me like nothing else. That oblivious, fake-tan-drenched wench doesn't need to look up, she just needs to remember to put one foot in front of the other as fast as everyone else does. There's a huge line lady, either lift your head and see it for yourself or if you can't remember to walk while reading you can go ahead and stick your only lifeline to a social life back into your pocket for a few minutes. No doubt you'll spend all your classes texting, but can't you survive the three minute walk between your classrooms? It's ****ing oxygen to you. For that matter, you could redeem the reputation of your intelligence by dropping out now. You suck at school since you never listen and just talk with friends. If you recognize that, you can leave and spend your days socializing. I wouldn't judge you for that. I judge you for coming here but leaving your intentions to the contrary. Get off the ****ing fence.
Don't tell that to sharp, apparently he thinks that $40 000/year is cheap. Then I told him about how it's only $7 000 here in Canada and he went all ape-**** over how it's cheaper here because it's lesser quality and blah blah blah. I hate how devout "religious" people are trying to say that the Higgs Boson proves 'God' just because it's called the 'God' particle.
Holy ****. That's pretty bad. Why such a drastic change? Even commuting my tuition is roughly $9,000. That's after grants and aid. Which, I understand that's not especially bad for an American University, but still.
I left the university I was attending because the first or second year of the recession hit right when I was in school, so they took my grants away. Went from $1500 to $15000 in one year. Sucks ass.
I pay half tuition wherever I go... But I still end up getting charged out the ass. ****ing bipolar women piss me off beyond belief.
I'm not sure, I never really looked into it. I just know there were loads of riots in response which were fun to watch. Edit: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2010/11/03/uk-britain-universities-factbox-idUKTRE6A266N20101103 Another thing I hate: How the British say treble instead of triple. Just... what?!
Yeah, but I grew up in America. I moved back to Britain five years ago and am discovering annoying social differences every day.
You motherfucking campers with your silenced ACRs **** you MW3 **** **** ****. Not sure if this is allowed here but I'm just following the title.
Gotta wakeup (for work) at 3:30 am tomorrow, 8:30 bedtime it is Plus i gotta work an extra long boat trip tomorrow and am not sure if I'm even getting paid for the extra hours since I normally get paid by trip... shucks Oh, and i gotta do the same thing again the day after >.>