Hi everyone! I want to introduce you to my newest map Scar. The map itself is based on the wall in the middle of the map. Imagination is what seperate the two bases away from each other. It is the cranes which providing supplies for the harsh winter that makes the bases fit well thogether, but a sudden storm has made the most wealthy parts of the map insufficient. A little introduction there. Gametypes: Team Slayer, Capture the flag Players: 8-16 players Gamertag: wErod93 Vehicles on map: 2 Warthogs (def), 2 Warthogs (rocket), 2 Revenants, 2 Ghosts, 2 falcons Weaponds on map: -2 assult rifles -4 DMR -1 Grenade launcher -2 magnum -2 shotgun -2 sniper rifles -2 concussion rifles -1 focus rifle -2 needler rifles -2 needlers -1 plasma launcher -2 plasma pistols Here are some pictures of the map: One of the bases The backside of the base The bottom floor with carpark on each side The top floor of one of the bases with falcon Bottom floor in one of the bases with gravity lift to top To the top View over one side of the map, near base One of several covers in the map One of the cranes, near the middle of the map The gate in the wall, "main road" Thanks, as always I appriciate feedback!
Yes, I will try to post it as fast as I can, maybe with some more photos . It will probably take a couple of days.
Glass walls, shield doors, and constricted vehicle bays do not belong on bases in big team or anywhere else on the map.
allow me to elaborate, with the number of people on the map, vehicle bays would make thing cluttered (as many people will be trying to fit in the room in order to reach the vehicle), this would also make them easily campable. The shield doors that cover the bay do not help this. Any transparent object (windows, shield doors) on a BTB is a bad idea, because it causes lag, and this is amplified when there is a big map with a lot going on.
"The map itself is based on the wall in the middle of the map. Imagination is what seperate the two bases away from each other. It is the cranes which providing supplies for the harsh winter that makes the bases fit well thogether, but a sudden storm has made the most wealthy parts of the map insufficient." First off, I really do not understand what the bolded parts of this statement mean. Elaborate? On to the map, Pyro is correct that parts like glass and shilled doors usually cause frame rate lag on BTB maps such as this, and that vehicle bays with shield doors on them are usually too much work to reach unless in Invasion. I also noticed that you have quite a few vehicles on the map, possibly too many. Think about this: If 2 players get in each hog, 2 in the falcon, 1 in the revenant and 1 in the ghost both teams are completely in vehicles, something that prevents players from taking neutral weapons and contesting infantry power positions at the start of the game. Vehicles should be set up so that (not including mongooses) there should only be enough driver/ gunner seats for about half your team, maybe a few more, but certainly not all of the team (passenger seats don't count as players rarely want to ride passenger on a hog or revenant unless holding an objective.) I wold ditch one of the hogs or the revenants at each base. Another option would be to remove the chain hogs and make the revenant neutral, promoting players to move towards the middle on foot and creating a scenario where the rocket hogs are good against falcons and the revenant but not infantry, the falcons are decent against infantry and the revenant, and the revenant is decent against the hogs and infantry; a triangle of vehicle fighting if you will. Generaly though, 3 vehicles is enough for a single base. Also, I hope that hole in the central wall is not the only way through for vehicles, because it will otherwise act as a choke point where one team can set up around it and kill any vehicle coming through with team fire. Vehicles need a good circuit to drive around so that they aren't always forced through the same spot (Example: Multiple holes through the ship on Boneyard.) Good luck with this, we could always use more Big Team Battle maps!
It means that he is Swedish and probably speaks more languages than we do so we should therefore be ashamed, but Erod is too kind to say such things so he humbly put in mistakes so that we won't feel bad. I am excited to see another BTB map on here, there are precious few I have noticed, I just downloaded it and looked over it. I really like the part just in front of the bases, it reminds me of some of the new matchmaking invasion maps. I also like the destroyed crane and how it fits the overall storm theme. While I have yet to play it in custom I do see a few issues: First of all it is huge! Hemorrhage works because its empty, with very few places to hide. This map is as big but now has all of this stuff going on which stops line of sight almost completely. Maybe move them closer together? Also the kill zones allow for a lot of high hiding spots some giving perfect shots for spawn kills. and lastly, you can get stuck on the lift at the back of the red base. Anyway, I hope to see this complete, if you want help testing it let me know.
For the record, I couldn't have known whether he spoke much English or not, it was a simple request for clarification. Besides that, Hemorrhage being open does not make it work better than other maps of it's size. Sandtrap, Last Resort, and Avalanche all had large los blockers and were gigantic maps, so that is really not an issue, though as neither of us have played the map this is all speculation anyway. Still, I thought it should be said that many lines of sight being blocked on a large map is not necessarily a bad thing if done correctly.
The map has not been tested and there are several things that could be changed. Falcons, vehicals in general and shield doors. And the amount of seats in the vehicles is one of those things that I could delete. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Yeeh I see what you mean with the numbers of vehicles. Falcon into banshe maybe? Take away revenants. There will be up some new photos, with view over the center and wall. Thanks for the feedback! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks for the kind feedback Kill zones, is one of those things that I have not looked at too much, due to if I would have a falcon or not. I will be working on it. I am not totally clear about what parts i would move closer togheter? I might invite you, when oportunity arrives. Thanks! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Yes of course! Sorry for that, missed it abit. Here are some more photos! Middle of the map, near small hill One of the bases, near mountain Middle of the map, view from top Base near the sea Thanks!