[SIZE=+14][/SIZE] [SIZE=+14]Post Your Customized Medals[/SIZE] [SIZE=+14]Instructions[/SIZE] 1.Medal's Name 2.Medal's Picture 3.Medal's Description
Medal Ideas (if anyone wants to make any of them): Name of the Medal: Bounty Hunter Description: Get 5 Killjoys in a Round. __________________________________ Name of the Medal: Splazor Spree Description: 5 Kills with a Spartan Laser in one life. ___________________________________ Name of the Medal: Tie Fighter Description: 10 Kills with a Spartan Laser in one life.
Just cuz I got one earlier in an insane matchmaking game (and ended up with 12 sticks total): Medal Name: Sticking (or Plasma, w/e) spree Description: 5 sticks with a plasma grenade in a row in one life -Gnoiz
Hammer spree 5 straight kills with Grav Hammer Handy Man 10 straight kills with Grav Hammer Melee Spree 5 straight Beat Down/Assassinations Boxer 10 straight Beat Down/Assassinations Needled Kill with Needler No Scope Kill With Sniper/Beam Rifle, un scoped
~~EDITS OF MY FORMER MEDALS~~ Name of the Medal: Bounty Hunter Description: Get 5 Killjoys in a Round. Difficulty: 8/10 __________________________________ Name of the Medal: Splazor Spree Description: 5 Kills with a Spartan Laser in one life. Difficulty: 4/10 ___________________________________ Name of the Medal: Tie Fighter Description: 10 Kills with a Spartan Laser in one life. Difficulty: 8/10
Headshot Spree Difficulty 7/10 Description: This medal is awarded when you get 5 headshots in a row, unlike the Sniper Spree this requires you to actually get 5 headshots in a row, so you get the headshot medal 5 times. Fun aye? =D
Blivion, that's what I'd make as well. Also, what are you making the medals with? Photoshop? Illustrator?
i use photoshop cs3 but i just used like the kill joy and killing spree medals and put them together lol
Reyn, what program do you use? I'll be posting my interpretation of those three. They'll be basicly the same but made in Illustrator and a bit "cleaner." EDIT: Here is my Splazer Spree.