2v2 Map 1

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by 00DirtyMick00, Jul 4, 2012.

  1. 00DirtyMick00

    00DirtyMick00 Promethean

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    use a slayer gametype with sprint and it should be loads of fun 0:19 through 2:15 is 2v2 map 1, okee dokee, thanks, ooh, and gimmie dat feed back ;)


    dmr (2) spawns on the bench in both bases
    plasma pistol (2) spawns in the hallway by the stairs
    sticky grenades (4) 2 on each side near the entrance to bottom hallway
    sniper rifle (1) spawns top level of map in the center

    2v2 map 1: Halo Reach Maps #15 (HD) - YouTube
    #1 00DirtyMick00, Jul 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2012
  2. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Why not just post a map pack?
    By the way, nice to see your maps being posted on forgehub.
    Not much to say about the map, other than the aesthetics which I like, same goes for the rest of your maps. But the thing that really bothers me is the design, I think you should work on that, as well for the grav lifts, it should be easier to access (not by jumping).
    Other than that, the map itself looks pretty neat.
  3. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    If you don't care enough to even name your map, much less provide any information about it, why should anyone else care enough to download it?
    From watching the video for about 30 seconds I can see that the aesthetics are decent, but that they have a negative impact on the gameplay, and that the layout of the map is extremely generic and lazy.
  4. 00DirtyMick00

    00DirtyMick00 Promethean

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    i cared so much about naming it bro that i just gave up, im not worried about the names but rather the layout, names are the least of my importance, i focus on making my maps believable structured buildings, not just a series of clean cut rooms that copy eveyone elses designs, the window pane and bench designs were my own ideas, and i didnt provide information because the video itself provided it, and before you make comments on the gameplay, have you even played it? honestly, this is one of my best playing maps...sit.

    Edited by merge:

    thanks sinless, ive gotta agree with you bout the grav lifts, it sucks having to jump on them, ill definitely try and work on my design more :)
    #4 00DirtyMick00, Jul 4, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2012
  5. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    I like how SinlessLegend criticizes the design and you say thank you, but when I criticize the lazy thread presentation you tell me off...

    I didn't make any specific comments about the gameplay. I made a general comment that the aesthetics have a negative impact on the gameplay. I didn't need to play it to know that, because that information is provided in the video when the narrator says that the glass causes frame rate issues...
  6. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Regardless of if the name of the map is important to you or not, it is a very important part of the presentation. The fact that you didn't name the map, gave me the impression that this was a map that has no effort put into it. You're only hurting yourself by keeping the map nameless.

    Clean cut rooms that copy everyone else's designs? Was this directed at Chunk?

    Believable structured building is nice, but a believable structured building that plays poor is worthless (not directed at your map, just being general)

    I've seen many different iterations of benches, and those window panes are very common.
  7. 00DirtyMick00

    00DirtyMick00 Promethean

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    the frame rate is in one small location and if you played it yourself it has no negative impact on the gameplay, i understand how almost always it does, but honest to God frame rate in this map does not hurt the gameplay at all, play it yourself, and honestly, i havent seen that window pane design used anywhere else, show me the map if you know of it, please, and i didnt tell off sins because there's a way to say everything, you can clearly tell im a new member and sorry i didnt right a script with spoiler page downs and different colored fonts, i have no idea how to do any of that, i figured it was just showing off maps we were pround of, i coulf give less of a **** about presentation, also sins had legitiment critizcism, and told me a problem he found, you said the map had a generic and lazy layout, wtf am i supposed to do with that, that's an opinion of yours that i can't really correct, you basically said to make an enitrely new map, the layout is simple, im not about to argue with you on that, but lazy, come one, that word is just a flaring word ment to start an argument, there's nothing 'lazy' about it, and at a new member too, sorry its so bad, at least i posted a video/screenshot unlike half the new comers here, the comment i made was not directed at chunks specifically, im just tired of seeing boring designs, like mlg maps, most of them bore the hell out of me, it;s the same old thing, theres no specific style to them,
  8. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    I assumed you were familiar with the map posting guidelines, but since you are not, here they are:
    In addition, it's essentially standard to include a list of the weapons, powerups, and armor abilities on the map, along with a description explaining the idea behind the map, or which gametypes it was designed for, or any other pertinent information.

    If you truly cannot come up with a map name, check out this thread: Need Help Naming Your Map?

    I apologize for giving 'lazy' feedback. The fact that you refrained from giving your map a name gave me the impression that you didn't care about it very much, and my feedback was the result of that impression.
    The map looks nice aesthetically, but gameplay should always take priority over aesthetics unless you're building an 'aesthetic map'. The windows look really good, but the fact that they are on the interior of the map takes away from the gameplay not only through any frame rate issues that may crop up, but also because the ability to see so much of the map tends to discourage movement because players will avoid confrontations unless they have a clear advantage (this is assuming that the players are playing for the win, and not just looking for constant battles). If you want to retain the window aesthetic, use it on the exterior of the map.
    The high platform connecting the two bases is extremely overpowered. It is the highest point on the map, and it has a Sniper Rifle located there. The windows only exacerbate this problem by allowing the sniper to see anyone approaching an open area well before they reach the open area. A sniper can line up their shot ahead of time, knowing exactly where the opponent is coming from. It will be almost impossible to overtake a 'good' sniper. My suggestion to help reduce the overpowered nature of this part of the map (aside from replacing the interior window as mentioned earlier) is to add a lift from underneath, coming up where the sniper spawn is now, then moving the sniper (or other power weapon of your choice) to the 'street' area of the map.
    Also, there are not enough ways to traverse from one side of the map to the other. Choke points are okay (even good, since we want to promote confrontations), but my opinion is that there should be more alternate routes across the map. I'd like to see a route directly across the middle. I'd like to see the connections between the bases and the street opened up more, since the interaction between those two areas is basically non-existent right now. Also, some more cover in the street area is essential to allow safer movement across it (this is especially important considering the elevation disadvantage relative to the current sniper spawn walkway.
    #8 a Chunk, Jul 5, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2012
  9. 00DirtyMick00

    00DirtyMick00 Promethean

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    i tired putting the sniper where the grenade launcher spawn was, in the streets part, it made the sniper a less targeted weapon, the sniper spawn time is set to 180, and has no extra clips, and its location is far from op b/c its entirely open to 3 separate routes, i for sure took that into consideration, thanks though for thinking about that, transversing across the map works well too, you should really download it and seriously play it, i made sure no matter where you walked there was always an escape route at the end of each base, stairs or the walk ways to the center, the gravity lift is simply a fast travel path to the top, but it lacks all cover from the top level, the map really focuses on risk versus reward, please download it, i wanna hear your tke after you play it, i guess it just sucks to hear all these harsh corrections from senior members, and it sucks even more that you give me suggestions i swear ive already thought about and taken into consideration, i understand the -principles behind a balanced map, your just going to have to play it before you make these suggestions, its different from standard layouts, but it really works, just try it bro.

    Edited by merge:

    also Sins was criticizing the gameplay for 2v2 map plat, an entirely different map, and the second half of the video, which i for one KNOW had gameplay issues with having to jump onto the gravity lifts, b/c ive played it, and realized that, so has Sins.
    #9 00DirtyMick00, Jul 5, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2012
  10. ArmadillosTHFC

    ArmadillosTHFC Promethean

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    Yes, it isn't op. in fact, it is needlessly u.p. a high re-spawn, and a 0 clip on a sniper will be frustrating to any competitive player. i have seen this map previously. i entirely agree with Chunk's observations, the layout is very simple and makes any kind of tactical gameplay virtually impossible. it is reasonably general. i, personally, wold have created another route to the centre, maybe implementing teleporters, or a tunnel system. also, xzamplez note on FR holds true. generally, glass in a high traffic/significant area is a bad idea, as this CAN be detrimental to gameplay. i hope you consider changing some of the map in light of this.
  11. 00DirtyMick00

    00DirtyMick00 Promethean

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    makes tactical gameplay virtually impossible, are you serious? it's 100% tactics in this map BECAUSE it's so simple. im tired of defending a map none of you have played. it plays fine now. no tunnels, no teleporters, thank you for the comment, and im sorry to say this, but none of these comments are constructive in any way, when you don't have any idea what you're talking about.
  12. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    DirtyMick... Take the glass out. Please.
  13. 00DirtyMick00

    00DirtyMick00 Promethean

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    i realize there are frame rate issues, if i remove the glass then i remove the feel the map has as a building, idk, im ok with the map having a simple layout as long as it feels different, if i take out the glass, it'll feel like that really simple layout in a map, i just don't know how to correct it without making it feel too simple if that makes any sense...
  14. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Personally I love the layout. To me it was original. The framerate in both the bases is to out of control to even play a 2v2 slayer game on. I understand that the windows are original and makes the map unique, but in my opinion and many other forgers opinion, gameplay beats asethetics anyday. So if you want the map to be as best as it possibly can be then you need to focus more on the gameplay by taking out the windows.

    The map itself looks beautiful. Like I said, the layout is very unique in my opinion.

    I really do like the map and I like most other players would really like it if we could actually play a game on here without the lag..

    Also some future advice. Actually give a map name/description next time. It doesn't really bother me that you didn't, but atleast next time everyone won't ***** about it.
  15. ArmadillosTHFC

    ArmadillosTHFC Promethean

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    maybe just experiment in forge with an aesthetic to replace the glass that is suitably interesting
  16. 00DirtyMick00

    00DirtyMick00 Promethean

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    i tried deleting them entirely and just leaving blank space, it felt like an entirely new map, and i really don't wanna cover the glass up completely b/c the glass allows players to see the center area with the gravity lift and then make call outs when enemies are using the lift, making the gameplay more so strategic. honestly, i know ive said this a thousand times, but in the case of this map, the framerate hardly hurts the game-play, granted zero framerate would be ideal, but i can't think of any other option that won't ruin the building-like feel of the map and keep the strategic view of the center. id love it if some of you guys came into my forge game and just messed around with it, b/c i don't have a problem with the map now, but everyone on forgehub has bashed the **** out of it, haha. id really love and appreciate your help c:
    #16 00DirtyMick00, Aug 18, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2012

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