Feedback for Your 1v1 Smackdown Maps

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cluckinho, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    So I was thinking that it'd be a good idea to make a thread where people can receive some feedback on their 1v1 map for the Smackdown Contest. Basically just post your map's download link, and wait for feedback. I know many people have a lack of friends playing Reach, or even people that know enough about maps to give valid feedback. So giving players on here a chance for them to give you their thoughts on your map seems like it could help you streamline your map to its highest quality.

    All you have to do is follow the (simple) template posted below:

    Map: [link to map goes here]
    Feedback on: [put what you want testers to take note of]

    Once you do that, just wait for some feedback regarding your map.

    Maybe this thread isn't a very good idea, but I think it could be great way for you to perfect your 1v1 map.

    #1 cluckinho, Jul 3, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2012
  2. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
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    Sounds like a good idea to me.

    EDIT: 7/4/12 << download again if you downloaded it before this date

    Map: Hollow
    Feedback on: Spawning, flow, overall gameplay. Is Long Halls LOS too big? Just please be honest! Brutally!
    #2 Ticky, Jul 3, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2012
  3. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Map: Mojo (continuous upgrades to come.)
    Description: Sister map to Jinx, designed off of the archetecture of Jinx with alterations suited for the Smackdown Gametype.
    Feedback on: Anything, and be honest.
    #3 Audienceofone, Jul 3, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2012
  4. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    Map: Just The Tip
    Note: This was a map I released a while back as a 2v2. I've tweaked it to better support 1v1 (although ironically I had already tested it with basically the contest settings months ago)
    Feedback on: Weapon placement/selection, jetpack placement, spawn placement
  5. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
    Senior Member

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    Map: Audit v0.5
    Feedback on: Weapon placement, flow, balance, enjoyability, and if possible anything else.
  6. Benji

    Benji Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map: Dive
    Feedback on: The Weapon layout, Size
  7. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Map: Rainbow City
    Feedback On: Weapon layout, lines of sight, spawns, framerate issues, lifts working properly, aesthetic changes. So basically anything. Also, there are two areas of the map where you can fall to your death, I would like to know if these two areas are clearly marked or if there is confusion as to where you can and can't play.

    Note: I would suggest doing a quick 30-second forgethrough beforehand to familiarize with the 4 lifts and the teleporter on the map

    Cluck, are you planning on giving feedback on all these maps yourself or is this thread for anyone to give general feedback? If you get too bogged down with maps, I'd be more than happy to assist :D
  8. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    I plan on doing feedback on all the maps, but I was very much hoping that everyone could help me out. And with all of the submissions already, it might take some time.

    Hopefully I'll be able to play these later tonight, but since there is so many already, I think I'll lower the score to win to 10.
  9. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If you're lowering the score to win to get through the games quicker, you should also lower the time limit to 10 minutes, so you can judge how close the game runs to a timeout.
  10. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    Cluck, I'll test some of these with you.
    Who better to do this than two RH guys? x)
  11. Chron

    Chron Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map: Syphon
    Feedback on: Just about anything and everything. My biggest concerns are spawning and weapon placement.
  12. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I will also test maps. Send me an invite if you are doing this.
  13. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Alright, finally finished. Please note that I only played one or two games on each, and they were all only to ten with a time limit of ten minutes. I also want to let everyone know that the custom power ups on each map felt a little too strong, but this is an issue with the gametype.


    Hollow has some very impressive aesthetics. The purple theme is ever-present throughout and everything is expertly forged. My only qualm in the aesthetics department is the teleporter, more specifically the sender. I feel like everyone uses the shield door look, and I feel like you could do better.

    Gameplay was pretty good. Time between engagements felt a little too long, and I believe the problem was the largeness of the map. Maybe size down some of the rooms. Another issue was the custom powerup. Red player spawned way too close to it. I am assuming you thought that since Blue spawned close to Nade launcher it would balance out. It didn't. Otherwise this was a fun map to play and the GL and Sniper fit pretty well.


    I really liked the aesthetic theme on Jinx. It wasn't too over-the-top, but it was nice. The room with all of the banks was a tad bumpy to walk on and the rock wall adjacent to the active camo spawn didn't look very well done. I think instead of spire rocks, you should use arches for a smoother look. I didn't notice any other aesthetic problems, though.

    I really enjoyed the gameplay on Jinx. I think the map size was perfect enough for safe spawning and short times between battles. Jetpack worked surprisingly well as it aided in traversing the center area. I think that the concussion rifle should have only one clip, and you should remove either the camo or the custom powerup and add another weapon to fight over. I also noticed too many sticky grenades were present, so I think you need to delete them. It seemed like I always had them. Fun map to play on, I look forward to the final result.

    Just The Tip

    Being built on Spire, aesthetics were not really present, but you definitely did the best you could. I really liked your use of the stunt ramps and one-way shield doors.

    Gameplay wise, this was actually pretty fun to play on even though it was fairly tiny. I like the idea of letting players to the very top of the spire, but I think the removal of the shield door at the top would be beneficial. Players can camp at the top due to it. All in all though, it was a very enjoyable match.


    Audit was definitely lacking in aesthetics. It felt like pieces were slapped together without thought or reason. Incorporating some natural elements would go a long way in spicing up your creation.

    Gameplay was very stale on Audit, as it was much too big. I found myself camping top middle with a sniper since it was such a powerful position. Remove all of the crenellation covers as well as the sniper so it'd become less of a viable position. I even managed to spawn-kill my opponent once. Having a shotgun right next to the custom powerup is not a very good idea, since the two can be easily abused. Bottom middle also felt very clunky to maneuver in. Hopefully you can take these suggestions and improve your map.


    Im really happy that Dive didn't blend in with the crowd in regards to aesthetics. Most of the map felt fairly unique, but some of it seems a little forced, such as the landing pad flooring.

    Gameplay on this map was mediocre. It felt somewhat disjointed, most notably the neutral room with the landing pad flooring. Much of the match consisted of trying to take over that easily defensible room. I believe you would expand the entrances on both sides so they are not such a chokepoint. Even though the central river is cool, I thought I'd let you know that I fell into it during a battle. It's up to you if you would like to change it or not. Finally, rockets on this map were too strong.

    Rainbow City

    The theme of Rainbow City was an interesting one. Though the rainbow colors were not my style, I'm glad you were original with your choice of aesthetics. At least you managed to implement rocks to break up some of the grayness.

    The map was too big for a 1v1. The game lasted way too long and much of the time we were just looking for each other. Size down some of the rooms so you can fix this problem. Although it might have just been a fluke, I thought I'd mention that one of the man cannons failed and sent my opponent to his death. Not sure how you'd fix this, just make sure it is not a common occurrence. Looking forward to seeing you're improvements.

    I could tell right from the beginning that much care was put in the creation of Syphon. The gold throughout the map was nice, and so were all of the natural elements. The rocks were definitely my favorite part. Just don't forget the loadout camera and you'll be set aesthetically.

    The map size felt just right and there wasn't too much searching for each other, aside from the very start of the game. I enjoyed using the grenade launcher and sniper on here so definitely keep the two. The only real problem that was brought up to me by my opponent is that their is no real incentive to go to the bottom middle of the map, and it was a fairly vulnerable position. It was easily avoided with more viable routes. Overall though, this map is solid.

    And that's it. Everyone please feel free to write up your own feedback as I think it would help forgers to have more viewpoints.
    #13 cluckinho, Jul 3, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2012
  14. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    I think it's awesome that you've offered to do this!

    Map: Strife
    Feedback on: Anything gameplay related.
    I made some changes from the previously released version. CPU changed to 90 second spawn. Grenade Launcher changed to 45 second spawn (0 spare clips). I basically swapped to spawn times on those two to prevent the CPU from becoming overly dominant. So, I'm curious to find out how it plays out with those changes. Any suggestions are welcome.
  15. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Thank you for the kind words and your time to do this, but I was wondering, did you feel like the map was too small? With radar I feel like on Jinx 0.4 one could immediately find their foe after killing them on the motion tracker, but if this is not the case that would be an interesting find. Im happy to hear you enjoyed your game on Jinx, and will take into serious considerationa few of these points. However some of the aesthetics you mentioned that bugged you are so because the map is designed to hold 2 player split screen (the original purpose of Jinx) and that area such as the rock wall/path needed some pieces taken off.

    Thank you again.
  16. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
    Senior Member

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    Map: Water Werks
    Feedback on: Aesthetics, Gameplay, forging, Ect. Basically everything.
  17. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    lol - I definitely used every object available, pretty well. I guess a lot of Spire's budget is allocated to vehicles, but it seems impossible to spend it all. I've only got 4 stunt ramps and a handful of shield doors left, in terms of useable objects.
    I'm glad you like my silent lifts. They run a little slow, but I think that's a fair trade-off versus the fast lifts that make noise.

    I was surprised too, actually. When I first threw this together, I didn't expect it to play as nice as it does, but it's a lot more like Zealot than I initially though. Just, y'know - flipped, sorta.

    As far as the shield door goes, I found players were prone to sitting up there and looking down, waiting for people to walk below, and then nading/headshotting them. With radar, watching the lift landings isn't a massive priority, as most people will show up just as the come into range to engage. That said, the shield door does make for some silly mid-air mutual melees, so I might change it to a 1-way or something. Think that would help?

    I'm glad you had fun. Do you by any chance have the video?
  18. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    @Audience, I thought the map was just right.

    @Gordon, Sure I'll put it in my file share later this afternoon. Anyone else want their videos?
  19. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    Yes, if you get around to playing my map. I'm always interested to check out things like map flow and spawning, so that would be very much appreciated.
  20. Benji

    Benji Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I wouldn't mind mine.

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