With the new contest that is coming out, I have decided to try and get back into forging, and this was the perfect opportunity to do that. But there are some things that are stopping me: I've never made a 1v1, and I've been gone four months without forging. So with that said, here is a quick map that I threw together in about 2 hours. So tell me what you think? Front Overview(ish) Red spawn/Red lifts Red tower/shotgun Blue spawn Grenade Launcher Blue lift to Red spawn (OLD PIC) CPU DOWNLOAD V3 If you want, You can go ahead and test it if you want to. I doubt I'll ever get around to doing it. C&C PREEZE UPDATE V3: New asthetics, respawn zones, and new weapons.
Rockets, on a 1v1. I'd say switch it to a grenade launcher. It's not nearly as powerful or dominant. Also, although this does look clean, you could probably put more aesthetics in without hindering gameplay. Just my opinion.
2 hours? Nice job for 2 hours. But yeah Rockets aren't really a good idea in a 1v1 scenario. I saw you tried to throw in the Risk vs Reward with the FC, but still. I can see a GL working great on this map with all of its narrow corners and whatnot. Also, you must have a decent amount of budget left. Maybe add some nice scenery and aesthetics in the distance, looks like you have a Dam theme or something going on idk. Maybe something to go with that. But yeah I would love to play on this sometime if you're on invite me. For now, I'll DL and take a look.
^ this. Also, only use the coli walls if needed for framerate. being a 1v1 this only needs to have 2 player splitscreen and the massive budget cutting materials you seem to have used dont need to be there and look pretty darn ugly. The silent lift also looks odd, with the doors. The map seems nice, although I would like to see more added on (I do like the dam-like structure, so add on in the back maybe?) and maybe some more complexity? This is a nioce start and I do think it has the potential to be very fun, just make it slightly bigger, more complex, and prettier is my advice.
My thoughts when I saw the title... Didn't have time to make a new one. "Some complaint about rockets" I'd have to say a few sections seem a bit too open although it may just be the fact that there isn't much aesthetic appeal to it. On a positive side, the "grey" theme went across very smoothly but i would suggest, depending on the remaining budget, closing off the end of the water area. Enough about aesthetics, because my opinions on the matter should be taken lightly, on to jumps. Love em'. They really do kind of "pop out" from the rest of the map. I'll be testing this later probably because **** if I know I've got nothing better to do.
Yeah, I was planning on adding more aesthetics, I just wanted to make sure that the base of the map would be a decent play-area. And for the Grenade launcher, I thought the same, but I went ahead and placed rockets for some reason. Not entirely sure. Yep, was planning on adding something out in the water, but not Entirely sure what I want it to be. And for playing a 1v1 against me, lets just say you'd win, because I haven't played reach in forever. I'd rather have two people that have been staying up with it, play it, than myself. Yeah, I wanted a silent lift, but I wasn't sure how i wanted it, so i just threw something together as a placeholder, and never changed it. I just don't know how i want it. And for the walls, what other techniques are there to make good looking walls that could surround this whole thing? And for the complexity, thats my weakness. I can never make a complex map for ****. If any of you have any ideas, feel free to chip in and suggest things!
From a glance I think a roof, or at least partial roof, would do wonders for the aesthetics. Pillars that just end, rather than going in to a roof, always look really odd to me and that's the case here too. A roof can also help reinforce a psychological sense of separation between areas, making it look less like an open square with structures in. Plus it can help with area separation in more practical terms, stopping high angled/banked nades being as easy. Vary the height and add some slopes to the roof if you like, it often helps it look more natural and lessens the grey box feeling, as well as allowing for the higher areas to have suitable clearance without demanding that the rest of the map have a disproportionately high ceiling.
Alright, So I'm trying to get a roof on this, but it just seems like its always mis-proportionate. I can't seem to get a good layout for it to cover some of the other aesthetics and still look good.
For the aesthetics I would recommend looking at some 1v1 or 2v2 maps you find pretty and try to find how they made the looks. Some basic features would be lots of color, either entirely/mostly enclosed or open world, and similar looking pieces used. Complexity usually arises in maps with lots of pathways (of normal and thin or catwalk styles) that allow for several paths of movement and tac. jumps in almost every (or all) locations. Have some people come by your map and edit it for this if you wish to, as other minds can find new path opportunities that the creator did not.
Okay, see in the first pic where the guy in red is standing? That corner right there is a death trap. The only way out is to go forward, or up the lift, which the opponent can watch both ways, therefore trapping a player in the corner and most likely killing him. Ummmmm, the lights are a bit much, too. I'm sure you can find/use colorful pieces to represent bases or whatever. Just...don't use lights man, please for the love of all that is good in the world. I know I've done it, but I look back and think "What the **** was I thinking?" So, yeah. It's mostly up to you. Keep em if you want, but I highly suggest removing them. Otherwise, I'd like to check this out, it looks pre cool. Actually now that I'm looking at it more, I'm noticing things. You should send me an invite on Live so I can offer you further advice, if you're up for it.
Alright, So I took everything into consideration, but I still am having trouble with asthetics and whatnot. Alright, I updated it to V3. All info is on the OP. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Anyone up for testing this map? I'd really like more feedback so I can improve the layout.