Hi guys, thought I might pop in for a bit and share my latest invasion project It's a forerunner complex spanning the canyon on forgeworld, which is defended by elites pics Shot at 2012-07-02 Shot at 2012-07-02 Shot at 2012-07-02 Shot at 2012-07-02 Shot at 2012-07-02 Shot at 2012-07-02 Shot at 2012-07-02 Shot at 2012-07-02 Shot at 2012-07-02 Shot at 2012-07-02 Shot at 2012-07-02
Most of the Forging looks pretty clean, but I have to say that the structures used in Phases 2 and 3 look alot less Forerunner in design than the structures near the beach. Also, I don't really like the Coliseum walls that you used to block off the end of the valley. If you have any budget left (which I doubt), you should add more detail to that wall.
I gotta say this looks really good.you seem to have pathing and seems to follow the default invasion gametype pretty well.the core spawn is very unique.got my download.
The new core placement looks interesting, it's a lot more noticeable than the previous one. It's hard for me to say my thoughts on this one, having gotten so few games and with all the changes going on, but you definitely have some very unique structures on the map, some of which remind me of structures on Sandtrap. You're right though, we need to play it a bunch more before we know how it is going to work. Still, I'm glad to see you aren't giving up on it. Speaking of which, is the O still in production?
summit r t3h betterz. needz moar wall/symbol of power. Seriously though, it's good to see some of the changes you made last night. That new core spawn looks interesting, and in general the improvements look like improvements. Again, sorry I wasn't much help on here, but I have only played this in invasion slayer. Once I play it I'll just rebuild half the map like I did with The O. And waterfall, of course he followed the default invasion setup, he know's it better than much of anyone.
This looks great. The structures look original and the main structure looks really intimidating. But unfortunately I cant tell much from the screenshots. I'm not saying they are bad, but that Invasion maps are too complex to understand through the medium Hopefully I can join you on a game tomorrow? Tuen I can get a better idea of the map.
only comment if you've played the map, thomas is looking for feedback not "oh this looks awesome" and providing actuall feedback off of screenshots is also ingorant so don't start that .. thomas, right team still needs an attacking approach.