Tied to player health. Sorta. As in, vehicle has a health threshold, like Halo 3, where a kill before the vehicle receives too much damage will survive, whereas after that threshold is met, the vehicle and player will both die. On top of that, I want to see damage to the player on the vehicle increase as the vehicle takes on damage as well. This scaling would only happen after the vehicle has crossed the above mentioned threshold so that one player in a banshee can't fly away behind a pillar, sit down, wait for shields and attack with full health. The scaling would be slow, but eventually get to the point where damage to the vehicle does the same as a direct hit on a player. Eventually. Basically, Halo 3 with a bit of Reach style vehicle health. No tissue paper vehicles, but no 'run away and come back with full health banshee' gameplay either. A compromise. Does that make sense? I might have worded it a bit poorly.
No, that makes a lot of sense actually. The more damage a vehicle takes, the greater the percentage of that damage which is also passed on to you. I'd love to see vehicles operate like that.
Ugh the end of that second video, "Community Question: What is that one map you have to have return in Halo 4?" NONE OF THEM! Give me all-new maps. No remakes. So tired of hearing this question presented. Edit: Interesting comparison of the Longbow screenshots from E3 and the new ones released. Multiple skyboxes for each map, perhaps? Would be awesome if this ends up being the case: http://halo4nation.com/rumors/multiplayer-time-of-day-setting/
I'd bet it's either Guardian, Lockout, or Warlock. All of those being maps the competitive community absolutely adores, so clear fan favorites. Blood Gulch, Sanctuary, and Relic would also be cool choices.
My money's on The Pit and/or Valhalla... The most popular 4v4 and BTB maps from halo 3, respectively.
Why do people like Blood Gulch? Coagulation is a million times better! My vote for a remake would be Valhalla, though.
In my estimation it's the best BTB map Halo has ever had, and one of the best five or so maps overall. I'd certainly prefer a remake of it over the tenth iteration of Blood Gulch. The dirty little secret is that Blood Gulch was never much of a design - it was just the first to put together the basic elements necessary for a little vehicle-and-sniper-oriented BTB gameplay.
Agreed word for word. I really wanted a Valhalla remake in Reach tbh, it was the perfect example of what Reach was lacking: good all around BTB play. Ridgeline did a great job filling this hole, but still isn't as good as Valhalla for playing beautifully 8v8 and pretty damn well 4v4.
I miss Valhalla. I can't believe they didn't make it possible in forge at the very least. I can't stand Blood Gulch and it's various remakes. It's like the AR. It's in every game, and nobody likes it, but that's just how it is. It's there to make everything else look better.
i dont think nobody likes it. i hate it as well, but it gets voted for in every btb game. some people must like it, even though it plays just terribly in reach.
Blood Gulch worked really really well in Halo CE. It worked decently in Halo 2. It just won't work well anymore, with the ridiculous amount of weapons that can shoot long distances, and all the counters for paper-thin vehicles.
AR was not in Halo 2. Also is no one else other than me and the guy that posted it excited for Forward Unto Dawn?
If the Forward Unto Dawn live action shorts are anywhere near the quality of Neil Blomkamp and Peter Jackson produced Halo 3 Believe campaign live action shorts than I will be excited, but only time will tell. (Halo Reach's live action shorts were rather meh)