Map Title: Waterbase Great one-flag map! Download Map Description: This is a fun CTF/slayer map on Ghost Town. It is able to play one sided, multi-flag and neutral CTF games. This map was played by a few people and they liked it, here are some pics. Thing which I changed are that, I put two giant walls blocking the map so the only way to get to the other side is by the middle of the map or two teleporters on either side. also I added moar weapons and made it more symmetrical. In one-sided games, the attackers get the sniper rifle, but the defenders have alot of cover and weapons. They sorta equal each other out. The shotgun is important at the start, and the middle is were alot of fighting happens. The flag spawns at the back for one-sided CTF, lots of flag camping happens there so be prepared. The attacker's base with some extra cover for harder flag captures. Blocking off a few things can change the way the map is played. The sniper rifle is still in the same spot and there are only 2 ways to get into the middle building. ps. I FIXED THE SMALL PICS PROBLEM!!!
Thumbnail pictures eep. Dont forget to click to enlarge the screenshots before saving themto your comp to host . Also include a bit more description than this i a good map and some people i played it with liked it Im not getting the new maps till this weekend so all i see if a few pics that could be generic ghost town tome XD.Tell us what you changed etc
Yah pics are small... When i first saw the pix i was like crap! b/c the post i was jus at had thumb nail pix too... thought sumthing was wrong with comp. xD