Hey guys, I'm currently working on a minigame (well, "currently" isn't really true anymore, but whatever) and one of the aspects I'm going to need to have is a working crate mechanism to open up a teleporter. I'm not going to give away too much but basically I want the following to happen: 1. A player jumps inside a shaft 2. He touches a custom powerup, which allows him to do things that are related to the actual minigame. 3. At the same time, a crate, which was leaning against the custom powerup, shoots into the direction of the powerup now that it has disappeared and leans against the outer wall of the shaft. I used a man cannon for that. 4. The crate blocks off the shaft and because it has removed from its original location, the teleporter receiver which was placed right below it, is now unblocked / has opened up. However, whenever I touch the powerup, the crate won't shoot into the shaft and/or away from the receiver. This is crucial to happen though, because otherwise the game won't work: I need to both block off the shaft with the crate AND open up the receiver, but now none of these things happen. I might be able to use a soccer ball or golf ball to get the same effect, but a crate would probably be better since it wouldn't fall down the shaft, can block off the teleporter easier and just looks better in general. So if you can, please give me some advice down below!
Offhand I think the problem is either the crate getting stuck, the mancannon not being strong enough, or the crate being "at rest" A picture of the setup would help.
I'll get you a picture tomorrow, okay? And yeah the problem is probably that the crate is "at rest", but I don't know how to fix that since I did put its physics to fixed and then back to normal again after making it hang in the air. Edited by merge: As promised. The set-up: (crate - set to normal, hanging in the air -, custom powerup and heavy man cannon.) When I shoot the crate, it does drop, but it does not fly against the custom powerup:
I don't think your mancannon is close enough to affect the crate. Move the teleporter and mancannon over a little.
May be true, but if I have the crate on normal and then drop it, the man cannon does effect it and shoots it against the custom powerup. But I will try anyway. Thanks. If you have other reasonings, please let me know!
A long time ago I realized that man cannons are just a tad bit stronger in forge than in customs. I don't know for sure but in halo 3 you could put a power up in a movable object and when you touched it, it started to move. Like I said I'm not sure on that one but it never hurts to try.
Well it doesn't work in Forge either. And this map is not ready for testing yet so I didn't get to play it in Custom Games anyway. And yeah, I know the trick of the power up trap in Halo 3. But I'm not trying to kill the player when he picks up the power up. Or are you talking about something else?
Yes I am, if you put a power up inside a crate towards the opposite side of where it will be touched, it will move, because it is in an initial area and until it's touched the crate will move and try to unphase with the power up. If you don't understand you can send an invite to forge, I can probably show you how it works. Saying if it works.
Yeah okay I get that. But I doubt if it's of much use in here. I'm just going to try and see if it will work. Thanks.
Hey if it doesn't just invite me anyways I know some tricks and I can play with them to make that work.
It's fine, if you're on now just send me an invite I can get on right meow. If not just tell me, I'll be here all week!