Hey there fellow Forge Hub members, I'm FM and the BB. I have just recently joined this, so far, wonderful community and have posted a map already, STATION 8. Anyways, even though I'm new to this community I am not a novice at the art of forge nor am I ignorant. I have been forging since Halo 3, and man has it changed over the course of a few years. It used to be a crazy chaos even when I learned how to phase objects in Halo 3, but now it seems to have gotten to the point of simplicity compared to the old version. I am constantly seeing new tricks every time I look at a new map; new details I would of never guessed possible; new maneuvers such as teleporters, or silent lifts. The crazy thing about it is that there really is no limit on what you can do when it comes to forging unless you tell your self you can't do it. I used to do that but when I learned to trust chance, math, art, and most of all time. I became a much better forger. Understanding game-play and layout was and is a big problem until you take time and think about what makes a good map. Now I am forging along side some of the best! This community can teach you everything as long as you let it.
I remember you, you were the guy who talked trash abouy forgehub and how it was filled with douchebags a couple weeks ago at halo and prime's TGIF. Anyway, welcome to forgehub.
Hey it mainly is filled with them I've been around plenty. I got a few good friends in here but I mean some can be to pushy when it comes to it being what they want, not what you intend it to be. I take what needs to be taken into effect and discard everything else. Anyways I need a place to put my maps out and this seemed to be the closest thing to it.
You clearly don't understand what FH really is. Around here, the staff rule with an iron fist up your anus and no subject is taboo. Over half of the active members couldn't give a crap about forge and probably don't play halo much anymore either. The rest of them are great at making maps and work hard to create some wonderful masterpieces. I don't know what group I'm in but whatever. Welcome to FH. See you in the lolbox. Be prepared for anything.
Wow when I was talking about this, that ALT-3 Sky kid is a great example of it. But for everyone else who posted, thanks and I'll be making my way up the FH ladder in no time!