What do you need to improve on in Match making?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Shik, Jun 29, 2012.

  1. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Just another thread where people can share stuff that they have problems with, I don't know. One thing I need to improve on, is remembering to check on power weapons. I know what time they spawn, but I always forget about them. Another problem, is I don't think when I strafe, I just go left right left right, and I don't switch it up. I also have a habit of trying to ninja and the worst situations.
  2. Pulpapple

    Pulpapple Promethean

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    I need to calm down more when playing, back when I was a newb - instead of blaming the game, I tried to learn from more experienced players...but as time persisted and I could see that I was increasingly becoming better than other players, I became narcissistic and practically cut off the desire of learning from my mistakes (partly because I became so infuriated with the smallest 'wtf' moments). If I can do that, I think I just have a better time playing (and play better). :D
    #2 Pulpapple, Jun 29, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2012
  3. zeppfloydsabbtull

    zeppfloydsabbtull Forerunner

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    The exact same thing happened to me too, except I wouldn't have used the word "narcissistic" myself. I started thinking things like "that guy got so lucky" many times that I died (not for the times that I just got outDMRed, though). I remember that when I started playing that I was enthusiastic about trying to get better, yet I actually reacted less (that is, not at all, which is how it should be) in terms of frustration to dying. I wonder how many players this happens to.
  4. Dragon Nexus

    Dragon Nexus Promethean

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    Hmm, I need to stop getting frustrated (I'm Extremely Competitive), I need to improve on Team Swat. That was my favorite gametype in Halo 3, and the gametype where I reached my 50. I think I'm just losing it in Reach. That's why I switched to Infection. xD

    I refrain from competitive games like Gears of War and Call of Duty, but when Halo 4 comes out, expect to see flying controllers, broken screens, and a lot of cussing. Maybe I should focus on having fun in multiplayer (Even Though it Occurs Offline Too), just then, I might enjoy the game!
    #4 Dragon Nexus, Jun 29, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2012
  5. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I need to improve my connection.
    A few months ago, my upstream bandwidth on Reach decided to switch to "Warning", thus killing my chances of playing Reach competitively online for good. Sniping people ended abruptly when I had to predict where they were going to instead of aiming for the face directly.

    I already switched to Halo 3 anyway. :p
  6. FM and the BB

    FM and the BB Promethean

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    When I have my sniper I'm all fine and dandy when I'm just popping peoples heads off in the back but when they come near me and shoot, my fingers get all tense and start flying around the entire map randomly shooting.
  7. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I am quite similar to you Shik, I always just strafe left and right, it pissed me off when I realise I have been doing it a lot. I also need to improve my mid range sniping. Snipers are quite often on mid range map so I often find myself in a situation where an enemy player is about 20ft away and I need to snipe him.
  8. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    My DMR could be a little more precise but I wouldn't say it's a huge problem, just one of the things preventing me from really being great at the game. In general my twitch reflexes are mediocre for a player with my k/d; when I do well it tends to be from outsmarting the enemy rather than outshooting them. I think that's why I enjoy complicated maps like Countdown (where you can quickly flank someone or get away even while 1-shot), and get frustrated with more open, shooting gallery-type maps.

    On a related note that has nothing to do with skill, I wish I had a bigger and sharper TV. I feel like a lot of players I run up against are able to cross-map me on mid-sized maps even when they have to have lost their scope - my TV makes this difficult enough that I'm always at a disadvantage unless I get the first shot at those distances.

    Back to things I have control over, and can actually do something about, I feel like I'm prone to stretches of games where I just don't play very smart. I know the correct things to do, but I get frustrated with campers and people using armor lock or camo, and I end up charging in a lot to relieve my aggression. I still tend to go positive in those games, but I'm not always helping my team that much, and sometimes it just gets into a cycle where I am dying way too much regardless of how many kills I end up with.
  9. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Things I need to improve:

    -Team work, but really what I need to do is play with a team more.

    -Consistency. I have really bad off days, and really frequent ones. I'm probably the most streaky player I know.

    -Patient and clever decision making, this falls slightly under the first point but is something I need to focus on in particular.

    I think that, when I'm playing well, my shot is fine. Lots of room for improvement obviously, but not one of the things dragging me down as far as I can tell (except on off days). I also think that my shot based decision making is alright, knowing when to keep or switch targets, deciding who to shoot, switching with team mates and coming back out for a team shot as soon as I'm not the target any more. Getting team shot and killed by a guy you just took one shot is really frustrating, and I get a stupid amount of satisfaction from doing that. In terms of my second to second mental game, I really need to work on my positioning, like when to push, or drop from a position, or chase etc. And in terms of my larger scale mental game, just general good tactics and fully worked strats/plays are things I'm really lacking.

    Kinda in relation to both the above points: do you know how much input lag your TV has? You're right that image size and sharpness are a massive factor, though I personally find that it only works to a point and have found my balance with a 22" TV. But a while ago I realised how big an impact input lag has on my game, and that the TV I used all throughout uni (basically since I got in to MM at the start of H3, only played CE before that) is a laggy PoS and my game improved noticeably when I stopped playing on it. Twitching is much easier when your TV is keeping up with your movements, as it's specifically the aspect of play which relies most on split second timing that input lag messes with in your head.

    Yeah, I guess it's kinda like what I was talking about above. Even when you get to a good place in strategic terms, discipline is really difficult, especially after runs of games against bad players which make me more complacent and impatient, so when I come up against good players, or even just bloody minded slow players, I fail to adhere to strategies that feel like second nature when I'm on my mental game. I think it's this kinda discipline which really helps players like 2GRE be as good as they are.
  10. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    My willingness to communicate. So often I just ignore people that are trying to have some teamwork, because they are randoms and may have annoying voices or bad mics or because I'm just not in the mood.

    EDIT: I guess I should just play FFA when this happens.
  11. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    CQC is where I'm best at, I generally try to focus and not over think things just go off gut instincts because in CQC not enough time to think about what your doing but gotta have the mindset of "I'm a badass I beat down 4 people myself" most of the time you wont 1v4 but with that mindset it is possible and generally it leads to better out comes.

    But i fail at medium range DMR vs DMR battles like im decent but whenever i vs someone who's good I have a hard time so that's my weakness well that and sniping. (maybe caus my 10 sensitivity sets me up to be better and CQC worse and sniping...)
  12. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    I've reached my skill ceiling so there's very little I can improve on there. A lot of my problems in matchmaking are problems relating to my connection or the fact that I always match up with impatient teammates. I'm more of an aggressive set-up player if that makes any sense. After winning the initial rush, I like to get my teammates in very specific positions so that we can set up a long spawn trap. Unfortunately, most players in MLG nowadays are either Social BKs who think that walking in a straight line is the most effective way to play this game or Reach/H3 kids who are too ignorant to follow strategy after having played so much of this "Aggression > Strategy" approach to Halo. I can only hope that these players are heavily punished in future Halo titles. As for the connection part, there's still nothing I can do about that. No good networks available in my area (Verizon, Comcast).

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