Oh jeeeeez. I didn't know you weren't supposed to tell people about it. I had never gotten a nomination before. Sorry. Really. [br][/br]Edited by merge: But I'm kinda confused. Why are people allowed to spam it in their signature? How is that any better than personally telling some people on the forums about it?
A certain SOMEONE asked me to vote for them. I don't vote in FHF normally but I feel that I should in this one. Just not for the one I was asked too. That's not how FHF works dear.
I dont mind. People advertise their maps all the time. Its not really much of a big deal that he sent out those messages. Its not like he's forcing you to do it, he's just politely asking if you could.
So your gunna vote just so I don't win? Mean people out there, I didn't really even know. And I didn't even think there was such thing as advertising on forge hub. Oh well, thanks Robo, I give up. Learned my lesson I guess? Oh and also thanks to the narks.
The reasons I voted for Oracle was because it looked cool, took risks, but also because it was made by a somewhat unknown forger (no offence).
I'm not voting so you don't win. I'm just saying that asking someone to vote isn't how FHF works. As if it means something anyway. Scopeless. Because minigames with snipers are awesome.
Good lord, kids...Calm down. I remember when I used to go all crazy when my map got nominated in the FHF. Good times, good times.
And Schnitzel beat me with Amalgam the first time I got nominated. Then Cargo Port won BoF competitive. Derp.
Orion, because I hate mini-games (Scopeless) and I've yet to play the other three maps. I imagine Oracle would play fairly well based on what I can make out of the layout.