Not sure if they return as the ODSTs again, probably just normal marines like in Halo 3. Not sure though. EDIT: GIFSoup
Perhaps the IMDB actors are voice actors (one set) and motion capture actors (the ones listed not voice)?
Concerning Halo 4 forge, whether it is vastly improved or not, I'm certain we'll have a lot more beautiful maps. Jet pack is gone and I felt that it was a huge headache for forgers. The ability to break maps with jetpack was a huge obstacle and a huge impediment on creativity and individuality. The simplest solution was to make your maps a bunch of rooms with a ceiling, now that we aren't required to have a ceiling, I think maps will be a lot more diverse and it'll be interesting to see how people cap off their structures
A bit off topic, but one of the btb heavy maps in matchmaking just used the invisible barrier at the top of forgeworld so he didn't waste budget on a roof, yet you couldn't jetpack over the structures. But yea, I hope one of the main improvements in this version of forge is just allowing us to do more while still keeping the performance up
Why get proper actors just for mocap though? They more than likely already have a bunch of people in house doing other jobs that also do mocap.
They're still credited. I don't know how you define "proper", but they are acting, aren't they? And in Cortana's case, they're supplying their face.
Actually IMDB has not credited any of the Mocap people in any of the other halo games so why start now?
So, breaking off from the receding epic would it be if they expanded BTB to 32 players?! Of course, that would be if the servers carried a strong enough connection to hold that amount of people. I am waiting for technology to evolve to do that, and evolving Halo games as well to support it...and then perhaps I will finally have the opportunity to drive Elephants as a normal thing in battle! That may be a little besides the point, but the whole purpose of this perhaps abstract thought of BTB is to: one, create a larger - perhaps more intense atmosphere, and two, include more vehicle-team coordination (assuming the maps would have to be made larger), and just include bigger things in general.
Well I -Starting game.. Selecting new host.. Starting game- think that would be -Starting game.. Selecting new host.. Starting game- great! Besides no matter how good technology gets, people will still have bad connection. I know this sounds mean and all, but I think the game should scan a persons connection for a specific playlist like that. If the persons connection sucks or isnt consistent, it wont allow that person to play that playlist. Not for all of them, but I would really love that.