ASTRA Astra is a 4v4 asymmetrical map and is the first map I have ever fully designed and planned out before forging. Knowing my mistakes from earlier attempts to design, I tried to keep the overall layout simple. Another minor goal I had when forging Astra was making sure the map had no frame rate in at least single screen. I went about this by keeping aesthetics somewhat bare, but instead trying to create an atmosphere. The power weapons of the map are as follows Grenade Launcher: 60 seconds, 1 spare clip Sniper Rifle: 180 seconds, 1 spare clip Active Camo: 120 seconds Jetpack x2 Here are the updated screenshots of the map. Well that wraps up most of the map. If you wish to see the map in closer detail you can download the map. All feedback is welcomed and much appreciated.
Aesthetically, that map is gorgeous. I love the hallway over the water. I'd love to come and test this out with you at some point. Maybe even make you a video if it's the right sort of thing.
Reminds me of something SaltyKoalaBear would forge, just cause of the wall colliseum pits. Looks cool man, send me an invite when you're going to test it.
I like what you did with the lights first time Ive seen someone use it like that with the bridges and the circular ramps. Other then that Id have to play on it to provide more feedback.
This is a pretty looking map from some of those pictures. I love the way you used the lights and that middle walkway is very nice. I'd be glad to test this too if you need more people
I literally just finished playing customs with you, and Astra was pretty darn great. I wish I could be more helpful but honestly I loved everything about the map (aside from the low roof at sniper area. I would love to see either no roof at all or it raised right there). The gameplay was loads of fun and dispire a few halls that were prone to nadespam, I really enjoyed this map. Excellent work, Sora.
Right, here is an updatey kind of thing of updateyness of the video. FINISHED IN PROGRESS NOT STARTED Finding audio Initial camera filming "Prep" work for video (cue points, volume, etc) Introductory sequence insertion Introductory sequence text Introductory sequence lighting Introductory sequence colouring Main video body lighting Main video body insertion Extra camera filming Ending video insertion Ending lighting Final timing polish Final video polish Look admiringly at work Create a cool blog post showing my editing Rendering Uploading And, seeing as this is the last video on my old computer, and with keeping to the celebratory spirit of things, i'm going to showcase my editing routine in a blog post!
Unfortunately I cannot do much in regards to the roof near sniper without making it look really sloppy or awkward. I will tinker with it though and see what I can do. As for the ridiculous amount of grenade spam I am almost certain it was due to having too many people on the map. Thanks for the feedback. Thanks Oli I really appreciate you making a video for my map. Really looking forward to the final product. EDIT - The thread has now been updated.
Nice video, Oil! (I might have you make me one ) Anyway, as far as the map goes, I haven't played on it, but from the pictures it looks like you did a good job with the atmosphere. The camo bridge is especially appealing, and I like where the jetpacks are placed. I'll have to test this with you sometime!
Thanks for the amazing video Oli! You did a terrific job with the map and I will be sure to put it to good use soon. Thanks for the compliment! I will be sure to send you an invite the next time I test the map.
I think I like what I see, but I'm a bit miffed at the same time. Both Clover and Cobble held a similar forging style; one that mixed natural terrain and interesting structures beautifully. Sure, this resulted in the two maps looking a bit too similar in some ways, but if this style were expanded upon a bit further, I think more fantastic maps could come out of it. Instead though, it seems like you've left that style behind in this map, causing Astra to (in my eyes) not have the same luster as the previously mentioned map. Sure, I haven't played the map yet, but I can't help but feel a bit left down by this one if screenshots are to be judged. Am I crazy, or does this make sense to you Sora? Again, I won't pass final judgement until I've played the map.
No I completely understand what you mean. The map is very bland and gray when compared to my previous works, but I just wanted to experiment in my aesthetic approach to my maps. Of course this is not my only reason, both Cobble and Clover suffered from frame-rate due to the heavy aesthetics. So I decided to ditch the heavy aesthetics and instead went with a clean look and good atmosphere. So to close things up I have by no means left my previous style of forging and will continue to expand upon it in both Halo Reach and Halo 4.
I like that you tried something new, Sora. Your previous works never really interested me as much as this one. I might have to check it out sometime.
Good to hear, and thanks for not taking that the wrong way. I need to get in and play this to see what it's all about though, hopefully i can do that soon. Props for branching out with your forging style, even if the result is a bit less exciting in my opinion. Most people just stick with the same damned style over and over again.