Alright, so I am looking into the Hammer editor for Valve games, such as team fortress, and I wanna get into creating maps with it. Well I want to recreate a map thats on Halo Reach (or even halo 3) onto Team fortress, but I'm having trouble finding a map that would work with its gametypes (Such as KOTH, Territories[Attack/Defend,Control points]). It has to be big enough for at least ~10 up to 12. Also, for Team fortress, it seems like the only way to balance it is that it would have to be symmetrical. Anyone have any Ideas? I know people are probably going to flame the thread about how reach maps wouldn't work on Team fortress, but this isn't really about gameplay, but more about making the map for myself to get better at it. Also, I'd rather it be a forged map, not a in-game map.
Eeh. I'd rather it be a forged map, and an outside map. and KOTH on Team Fortress is Static, so the hill never moves.
The Pit for KOTH Rat's Nest would be pretty cool for a payload map too. If anything, I'd actually focus on doing the Rats Nest one. I think so much good could be made out of that.
I bet you could make a decent Payload Headlong map. Foundation would either be hilarity or complete stupidity for KotH. I do have to agree that Valhalla Control Points/CTF or Rat's Nest Payload would also probably end up being fun maps. If you do follow through with one of these, would you link it here when you finish? I'd love to try something like this out.
Rats Nest is Circular, Most payload maps are Linear, so I doubt that would work. The Pit wouldn't really work for KOTH, because there is only two ways into the center. You can't really offset a TF2 KOTH point, because you're supposed to be able to access it from every angle, basically. Valhalla wouldn't really work for Control points, because most Tf2 maps have more layers, so to speak. And it would be terribly hard to get it to be like it due to the natrual terrain.
There are many maps that are circular and are payload. You just have to create one path for the cart.
Uhh.. what map? I'm talking about Valve maps. not ones that are community made. The one path would just go around in a circle to the end/beginning.
I haven't actually played TF2 in a long time, but I have watched some videos in TF2 and the maps aren't linear. But either way, Rats Nest should be your best option for a map. Even if you have to close off the "outside" portion of Rats Nest to keep it more linear, it wills till play very well I'd think.
Any map that you take from Halo isn't going to transition perfectly into TF2. They aren't really designed for it. Halo maps aren't going to have good sentry spots, rocket jumps, back alleys for spies to approach the defense or things like that. They're going to have setups more designed for controlling pickups and lines of sight which are still relevant but not always the focus of TF2. You're most likely going to have to re-purpose portions of the map to fit whichever mode you had in mind. Have you tried looking into more well-known portions of the campaigns? I think you'd be able to find a better fit for Payload or Asymmetric Control Points there. Find a spot that isn't entirely linear, is well known, and has a few key locations. Possibly the last location in Sierra 117? I could see that playing Payload well, while being fairly recognizable as a Halo map. Just an idea.
Well of course, but it wouldn't be hard to edit things to put them in to make it more balanced for Team fortress. And that is a great Idea, but now to think of which chapter of which game. I might even go back to H3.