Well at least I get a different looking case right? 40 more bucks well spent. A different cover? right? Who's with me? Nah Im glad Ill be getting maps early thats why. Hopefully there will be some good forging maps along with them.
Yea, I wish there was a way to get all the skins with a preorder. I'm preordering from Gamestop just out of loyalty. I plan on getting the Limited Edition just for those extra maps. Spend $40 now or later?
Yea I guess that's logical. But I have faith that it will be good. Even if Multiplayer sucks and the maps aren't worth it, it's more stuff to Forge with and with Spartan Ops and all, I won't need Multiplayer. Plus, I bet campaign is going to be replayable like 2 and 3.
I wish I could get limited edition, I'll see what my parents say, because its gonna be a birthday present.
Honestly, I too feel that this game is going to be extremely enjoyable. Forge and Spartan Ops are definitely going to take some time and the campaign will hopefully be replayable as well.
Ha I wish! My parents won't spend that much for my birthday! Hopefully I'll have a job by then and I can convince them to pay the extra $40 for me.
I can say the same, can't wait to here about Forge and stuff, also heard that Gaurdian might be making a return to H4?
It would be nice if 343 used the Halo 3 way of getting armor (by getting achivemints and not credits.) with Halo 4 probably not but it would be nice, I also hope the maps are more like the halo 3 maps because most pre-built maps for Halo Reach suck.
Bah! Dx why do they do this? different armors for different places you buy it from? DA HECK!! But I like the gun camo idea, as long as it doesn't require a headshot number to get one.....