Pretty much every game I get a ninja, its addicting and how I play, I play on 5 sens. do you think I could do a reverse ninja, or the sensitivity is too low? Reverse ninja like running to someone then quickly flip your direction and assassinate the player.
I've done a few of those but from the top of the mountain all the way to the ground. Recently I almost got one but was yoinked by a friendly warthog that drove through and splattered both if us. I stick with 10 sensitivity which horrific for sniping but I like it for everything else.
Well you see, if you multiply the average spartan III height (7ft) and estimate the fall time it took to reach the Elite and round that to the nearest 10th, LOL JK. I just guessed.
Is 8 hard to handle? I play at 5 right now, and recently switched because I sued to always play on 4. I want to do sprint ninjas though, I have over 50 clips on harddrive of normal ninjas.
I think sensitivity comes down to what you're used to. Back in halo 3, I got used to 10 sensitivity and after a while it was like I had never changed
....Nope.... I have a feeling that this is going to affect my friendship with some of you on here... lol.
Hey, your k/d is a decent amount above average. Play with whatever look sensitivity you like - it's more important to do well overall than to be an amazing ninja. (I find that most people I run into in matchmaking that are constantly trying to ninja get killed a lot anyway - it's a rare player that succeeds at this much more than they fail. I often jump right before assassinating because that animation is quicker than the regular ones, and would-be ninjas look kind of stupid when they jump backward into me and just get assassinated anyway.) I am a decent player overall, not amazing but well above average, and I've never used anything but default. Being able to look around smoothly matters more to me than quickness; I just try to usually be looking where the enemy is most likely to come from. When I've experimented with higher sensitivity, it always messed up my precision weapon skill by a lot. But it's certainly true that I won't be getting any sprint-ninjas any time soon.
I used to go for ninjas all the time early in reach, and I've collected a good amount of clips from it. If you really want to do well with ninjas, **** half measures and crank it up to 10. It's the only way to go for me.