Honestly, Bumper Jumper offers you the four actions you need on fast access in combat on the bumpers and triggers so that you don't lose any time aiming when jumping or punching in combat. I don't see why or how you can call bumper jumper stupid. On a more Halo 4 related and still button layout based discussion, I noticed all of the control schemes put AA on the triggers or bumpers. I'm guessing either 343 isn't really good with button layouts or AAs are going to be frequently used in combat scenarios. I don't like that. In Reach, only Jetpack, Evade and Armor Lock were really combat AAs. Look how those three turned out.
??? lol But yeah, I agree. Sprint ought to be up top. It's not exactly a combat AA, but universal skills like jumping and sprinting should be taking up primary button slots. Then again, thruster and promethian/forerunner vision both look pretty right-stick intensive. I imagine we'll get used to Sprint on a button. I got used to jumping with A thanks to Borderlands getting me hooked on Boxer (don't ask me how that worked - it just did). If I can jumpshot people using the A button (and I can), I can't imagine sprinting will be very difficult.
I absolutely adored Mirrors Edge. But I don't see how the controls are really even remotely alike. They're not really even the same genre of game, the only thing they really share is a first person perspective, so they're not going to have controls that work the same.
Correction, this would be my ideal. I know many of you think it's stupid, but it's how I play: RT - Shoot LT - Grenade RB - Reload LB - Sprint Right Stick (Click) - Zoom Left Stick (Click) - Crouch Back - Scoreboard Start - Pause A - Jump B - Melee X - AA Y - Switch Weapon D-pad - Switch Grenade
Is anyone else kinda happy with how the game looks? It feels like Halo, even with all the insane changes. That won't bring your legs back.
Haha this is an interesting idea. There are one too many buttons being use. IMO, d-pad really shouldnt be used, and kinect seems like the only way to open up another button thesilencebroken's control scheme is exactly what I would want also
They use the d-pad to switch grenade types in Resident Evil: ORC, and it feels pretty natural to me actually. Once you have it in your mind, it's easy to adjust. Yes, I love the way the game looks. Immensely. Not in love with the multiplayer armor really, but everything else is so wonderful looking. Also, post of the century.
This is exactly the control scheme I want. I hope to god they implement it, though I'd still prefer full mapping overall as it'd allow for everything said in here. I'd personally like Sprint on X as I'm used to having it there anyways since it's the only AA I use, plus I feel that overall I'm probably better off having Sprint that tiny bit more accessible than AAs.
Does anyone know why they don't just allow full customization of control schemes? I can't see any harm looking at it from 343's standpoint, and I can't imagine it being too difficult for them to implement before launch. Also, could anyone link me to some Thruster Pack gameplay footage? I've read all about it but still have yet to see some actual footage of it in action.
Halo 4 | Hoaxer Vid 2 - YouTube Edit: aaand one from first person perspective http://youtu.be/z3RdpqvGp8w?t=9m8s (those are both time links, but they've been kinda shifty for me lately. Might want to double check the video's time as it starts and make sure it's at least close to the url. I've had it off by as much as five minutes before)
^Holy ****, the DMR seems to have a faster kill rate than the BR, even though it takes five shots instead of four. It just shoots way faster. I wonder if they're going to slow it down so they stay balanced better, otherwise the DMR might wreck BR's at medium range, which is where they seem to want the BR to be the best.
I think BRs still have the edge. Players just aren't using them at their maximum potential yet, because they just picked up the game for the first time. http://youtu.be/YUrNk0k29EU Players are more used to spamming the **** out of DMRs. The BRs might fire faster than the players were firing them. It almost looked like they were pacing at Halo 3 speeds. I thought I noticed some BRs going off faster here and there, but they seem slower in the MLG games. Methinks it's no coincidence lol
Jetpack, in a way, was a combat AA. I can see how you could dispute it, but used in a straight up fight it could make it far harder to be headshotted and far easier to headshot the opponent. Granted, a large part of its rage-inducing factor stemmed from its ability to **** on map control off the spawn, which seems to be largely removed with the thruster pack, but it could be used to get an advantage in a fight as well. And trust me, as a Bumper Jumper, sprint is now second nature to me on a face button. As for the BR, I still feel it was a bit underwhelming in the videos, but I bet we'll need to play the final game to see how it stacks up.
http://youtu.be/YUrNk0k29EU I can't pretend I'm buying this out of anything but monotonous nonchalance anymore. "At least it has multiplayer, however unenjoyable it may be"