Arbor Pointe II

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Zombievillan, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, some of you may remember my map Arbor Pointe that I posted almost a year ago. It played awesome despite the horrible FR lag in split screen. It even got featured but I have been on a mission to get it in MM ever since they started the Library. I might have had a chance, im not sure, but I had a few idiotic exploits I never fixed in time and there was still some framerate lag in split screen, but it was minor.

    Now, sadly, I have sacrificed many aesthetics and FINALLY rid the map from the FR lag, at least in 2 player split screen. I thought I should update the post, but since the FS's are screwed and the Library post is locked I would just post the vid here and get any extra feedback. IDK when the next update is for MM or if its even possible for me to get a map in now but I am hoping I can push this thing through.

    Heres a quick walkthrough I got from princej1017 from Forge Universal. Excuse my horrible commentary, I have a terrible mic.
    Halo Reach map showcase: Arbor Pointe by zombievillan - YouTube

    If you look at the link to the original post I put up top, you can really see how much I changed the map. I covered the water, opened up bottom mid, and built the Rocket spawn platform.

    Again, I posted this as a preview cuz, well... I cant post in the forums lol. Plus, I am still open to any suggestions. Anything to get this sucker into MM. You can DL this version from my fileshare, just search zombievillan. Its at the top, the original version is there too if you want it.
  2. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Right now your best bet to get this into MM is with The Objective Contest. Abor Pointe would be great for Multi Flag, so I think you have a chance. Good luck if you submit it!
  3. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
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    Definitely reminds me of the original. Obviously doesn't look as nice, but I guess it has to happen for framerate.

    Only thing that bothers me is the "window" behind the sword. It looks like it would cause some awkward and annoying battles because its a little too high to shoot through.

    You might have explained something about it in the commentary, but I muted it. lol
  4. Proximo

    Proximo Forerunner
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    Looks like a generic and gray arena map. Terribly two dimensional at that too. There isn't much height variation across the map. It's all pretty much two distinct levels.
    Hard to believe this is a feature worthy design.
    Submit it to the contest like Cluk said. They like putting bad maps in MM.
  5. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I hope that was a joke. It's gray because he was reducing the amount of objects to eliminate split-screen screenlag like he said in the OP.
    #5 Auburn, Jun 18, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2012
  6. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    Just a question - what do you actually want from a map? I looked through your posts and they're either things like this:

    or you're complaining about maps being too gray or boring looking.

    Make up your mind.

    Unfortunately, we are limited with our forge tools. It's incredibly difficult to find a place to forge a unique design that can accomodate grass, rocks and the things that usually bring colour to a forge map.
    Furthermore, maps like this have been stripped down to accomodate split-screen players, which is incredibly difficult to accomplish without your map looking a bit grey.

    As for the gameplay critisisms, I'd encourage you to at least try it out before you write it off.
  7. Proximo

    Proximo Forerunner
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    Yes, but there are plenty of generic arena maps that have done a ton to combat the gray. Having the same color/texture for the flooring, walling and roofing is what kills this one. There's a difference between grey and greeeeeeey. This map falls into the latter.

    Maybe it does play well. Hook me up with a Gold Account and we'll see. It does look better now that I watched the entire video. I cut it off halfway before. Its not as flat as I thought, but I still doubt its as good as you bunch make it out to be.
  8. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    Conceited: do you really think he would purchase you a gold account so that you can bash his map, please, you have no argument, your judgement for this map was based an a preview image for a video he made to preview this map. just stop now before you lose more face.
    #8 SilentJacket, Jun 18, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2012
  9. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
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    I have to say, that this is probably one of the most boring looking maps I've seen in awhile, but hell looks aren't everything. Game play must be in tip-top shape, then.

    A map being too gray isn't usually a problem for me anymore, it's now the creativity in piece usage that intrigues me. There isn't any creative piece usage, but I guess that doesn't matter as much as game play.

    Good luck if you submit this map. I have only heard great things about and I would play it myself if I didn't loathe custom games with every drop of blood in my body.

    Still, though, good job on eliminating FRL from the map.
  10. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No, trust me. I hate more than anything to have this Gray on gray on grey with my map. Unfortunatly I cant change it while keeping the FRL under control. The original version looked way better, while still pretty gray, it wasnt as bad. My only concern and priority is MM right now so I am not too worried about incorporating pieces in new ways like you say Eightball. I know its boring and I hate that but honestly, I will admit I cant keep up with the newer styles I see that look so sick. I will also say that most of the maps I see now that look so awesome and have the most creative usage of pieces are all 1v1s, lol. I hate that but I understand its extremely difficult to make a larger map with those same type of aesthetics.

    That being said, Proximo, you seem to have such an amazing forging expertise with your 47 posts on FH, lol. I know there are some garbage maps in MM but I aim to help that problem. I also like a few, like Imago is pretty sick IMO so unless you have something intelligent or helpfull to say, quit wasting my time.

    At Erupt, that window is that way on purpose. I didnt want the LoS all the way across from standing point. I made it as a balance for somebody camping in the Needle Rifle towers, which you CAN see from standing at the window.
  11. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
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    Its like the tip of my socks!!!! (see what I did thar?) but I suppose if your aiming to get this in matchmaking with outstanding gameplay and no FRL then this might be the route you have to take, its not all about looks.
  12. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
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    Best of luck with getting it into MM, but I honestly couldn't see this making it. I'm not really seeing much that separates it from other arena maps, and over all uniqueness plays a pretty major role in getting past the CC's, and even more so of getting past the 343i team.
    (Note: Not trying to be an asshole, sorry if I came off that way)

    Aesthetically, it looks bland as all hell. Can you try popping off the roof or something? No map should be so gray, let a little of the natural aesthetics of forge world shine through. It goes a long way in spicing up a map. Seriously.

    Not a fan of the "tac-jumps" all over. Especially on green side where it looks like the only other route to top green is via a long exposed path from the opposing sides of the map. I'm also not a fan of the lazy cover provided by crates and covy barriers in the middle of dance floor.

    There is a nice amount of dance floor on the map, which is a plus for me... Although I'm not too sure how I feel about some of the lines of sights across the map. You've got some pretty long and wide sight lines bisecting the map in places that look like they could go either way, whether that be adding to the map or detracting from it. I can't really say much unless I get several games on it... Haven't touched the map since the original a loooooong time ago though. (Too busy working on my submission)

    The Purple side nade window is pretty cool. It's reminiscent of some of the little things you'd find in the older HCE and H2 maps. Might be better if you knocked those platforms down a bit so you could actually look (and fire) straight through.

    Oh, and one last bit.... And sorry that I'm harping on negative points btw. I don't like that there is essentially only one way up to the Needle Rifle tower. Ugh!

    Overall, pretty solid map. Nothing really ground breaking or really eye catching, but should definitely provide a few fun games in a customs lobby. Probably wouldn't be something I'd enjoy playing more than a handful of times though... It just feels lacking. :/

    OT: I find it rather amusing how all the best forgers from FH fight so hard to get a map into MM. :p
  13. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lol, I'm glad you consider me one of the top forgers. Idk why it's so hard but it is rather amusing. I have tried adding color but it's not working out. I may just give up & see what H4 has in store for me.

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