^ this guy. Nice sarcasm bro, think you broke the meter. Don't want it to get too strong now, some people might start taking you at your word.
Pac: G4's list is pretty spot-on, I said as much in the OP. Other People: G4 is ****, but if you had common sense you could extrapolate that I'm also commenting directly on the list, saying that it's useless (which others have explicitly stated) or that I personally don't think lists are anything but opinions, which they are, despite the fact that it's by people who play games for a living. Pac: NO. Seriously, Pac, it's a list of opinions. I personally hate lists like this other than to check out stuff I haven't heard of, because people take it seriously and assume it's fact, or something that cannot be argued against for any reason. Hell, arguing that G4 is biased for whatever reason, or that they're shitty, could be valid (unlike most arguments where ad hominem comes into play) simply because it's a commercial group. I'm not saying it's necessarily the reason people hate it, or a good reason at that (or even my reasoning) but it is a valid reason. You exploding, not just arguing, every time someone mentions a contradictory opinion (read: viewpoint, not just a specific issue, otherwise you wouldn't be arguing in the first place) is reason enough to abandon every thread you're in. There's a reason people started saying to ignore you in H4 thread. Just calm down. Jesus.
i have to agree. anyway, to contribute: mario being #1 is boring, it's just typical of a generic list of games, like bread being top at the list of foods. its old as time and no one can be bothered to disagree. therefore i deem this list void.
Sarge, I wish that was said. Unfortunately, regardless if you assume they meant all that, they didn't say that. And the "other people" is two people. I don't know why you keep acting like I'm opposing every single person who's posted in this thread, I haven't. Fair enough and that "to check of stuff I haven't heard of" is what I keep mentioning is what I like about it, in fact I've stated now three times that the only problem with these lists is that people focus on the numbers which equates to your "people take it seriously and assume it's fact". My stance is that is on them, not the people who made the list to begin with. Lol, "exploding" what am I doing now? I'm arguing with you. Do you read everything I write as if it were in caps and imagine me frothing at the mouth? I stopped posting in the h4 thread sarge, not because people were "ignoring me". Had they ignored anything I've said there wouldn't have been any arguments whatsoever. You're the one who just ended your stance with "get over it for ****'s sake" not me. And did my explanation of what a "contradictory opinion" is not make it through to your response. They weren't contradictory they were subverting the topic. The posts that weren't doing that I didn't "explode" at nor have any issue with.
1 goose. 2 geese. 1 person. 2 people. (people is commonly used as a informal plural of the word person replacing "persons") Next time I'll check to see who made the thread before commenting. I'm out.
Judging from the quality of your responses, it might be for the best I did appreciate you posting the list however, had you done that first you could have avoided an issue all together but how did you put it, "I'm not your *****".
He was literally quoting things he and other people had already said. He did "do that first", so to speak. And the only thing that was posted negatively about this, at first, was: That's his opinion on the validity of the subject you posted for discussion. At no point did he say "Oh you're so ****ing stupid, this thread is pointless, and blah blah blah I'm hurting Pacs feelings." You're just making stuff up to be pissed about. The things you need to realize are: - People are going to have dissenting opinions - Most people on this site are predisposed to dislike you, based on how you act in literally every single thread - Regardless of how many pointless arguments you stir up, you're not going to change anything about either of those two facts, and may, in fact, make them both worse/stronger.
Thanks forum spokesperson, I've seen the error of my ways, I wouldn't want "most people" to have any sort of predisposition toward anything. What would you have as 1 QKT? I mean there usually is a reason why certain games tend to be on top lists for a long time. They were good games. But I'm interested what you would have selected as the best/most important/culturally significant etc game?
Well this escalated quickly... As for the list, I can't help but see that there are a fair amount of miscalculations... For example, Contra, a gem of the NES library that defined the side-scrolling shooter genre was beaten by none other than Rock Band 3... A game that has inspired gamers for nearly 3 decades with its sublime controls, amazing level design and intense challenge was beaten by a band simulation game. If said band simulation game was Guitar Hero 3, I would be a little less irritated, but Rock Band 3? Sure, it may have attracted some gamers because of the casual nature and "non-nerdiness" of it, but i'm sure one of the industries first shooters would have done the same... What also grinds my gears is that after searching the top 50, I saw Madden 05 at 24 in the list... Am I the only one who shudders at the fact that a Madden game beat out: Spoiler - Sonic Adventure 2 battle - Sonic CD - Mario 64 - Star Fox 64 - Mario Kart - Skyrim (which shouldn't be as high as 31 anyway) - Punch Out - Final Fantasy 7 - Counterstrike - Halo - Super Metroid - Red Dead - Kingdom Hearts - Contra - Pokemon and the list goes on and on...
I agree berb, I probably would have placed rock band at a much higher number. I mean the first rockband game with its inclusion of drums, microphone, and guitar/bass was significant in a pop culture sense as it really grew the music game fad. However, Rock band 3 didn't really expand anything (other than adding the keytar and are more stream lined music store interface) and in fact the music game genre kinda died around the time rock band 3 came out (not counting dance games).
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time should be number one, in my opinion. The level design was excellent, it introduced unique game controls with z-targeting, it made a giant leap in graphics for the series, and the story was fantastic. I believe it was revolutionary for its time. Still, the game is outdated and there are plenty of more recent games that I would rather play. To be honest, I believe these lists are too broad.
to me Ocarina of Time will never get old. most games do get outdated, but thats one i could play until i die. Majora's Mask should be in the top 10 with it. OoT, like Mario 64, brought games into the next gen, and for that it is revolutionary. Majora's Mask SHOULD have been revolutionary, but since the amazing stuff it pulled never caught on elswehere, that game is in a league outside of all other games.
One thing I also saw a lack of was Crash, CTR was my life at one point... I also thought Age of Empires would have made an appearance somewhere in the list, seeing a game as influential as Madden made it to #24.
I think what kept Majora's Mask from being revolutionary was what made it unique. It got a lot of bad reception for its time limit despite the fact that it was irrelevant due to the ability to travel back in time. I do agree though, I think it deserves to be somewhere in the top 15 at least.
Madden deserved to be on the list because I haven't met a person who hasn't played a madden game (that has played at least one video game in their life). Whether it deserves its number is debatable but I don't think any Age of Empires game has been the "top game" of any year they come out compared to other games that came out in those years. The best one of the bunch according to metacritic (bla bla bla aggregate review sites suck/are wrong/etc etc) Age of Empires 2 had the best rating at 92%. Which is a fine score. But I do suppose it could have easily gotten on in place of some other games. For instance, I'd never heard of Double Dribble nor do I believe anyone outside of basketball fans played it (as evident from mostly basketball stars saying they loved it during its clip). Though I could be wrong, it was before my time.
Well yeah, I myself as a massive Age of Empires fan wouldn't say it deserves anything below a 75, but I'm surprised AoE 2 didn't place. Along with Crash, what happened to Timesplitters? Timesplitters 2 guys... Timesplitters 2...
Again, the criteria wasn't just "best gameplay". Words with friends, like angry birds, has been played by many millions. Would I personally give it a place in a list of best games and snub some others (splinter cell chaos theory), no, but I understand why it is there.