I bought Arma 2 and Op. Arrow Head, can't use them on my computer, so now I have a steam account, with just those two games. Can't use it, so I'm selling them.
The ideas seem fun, but the gameplay doesn't look that good. Those same principles in a game closer in feel to Fallout 3, COD4, or even KOTOR? I'd buy that in an instant. But I'd consider playing DayZ more if you got your ass on Skype.
Nope, sorry. I wanted to play Day Z but I can't because my only PC was built over 7 years ago. Pentium 4 Processor baby! 3 Ghz!
Boot camp or a parallel OS program is all I know of. College. I'm actually back in Texas right now. Got back Thursday. I'm leaving for Vancouver in an hour or so though. Cruise to Alaska and then hike for a month. So I'll see you guys in mid July. Hahaha [br][/br]Edited by merge: I really shouldn't watch Kevin Smith movies on a plane. For some reason I always pick raunchy movies for planes like an idiot.
I don't know man. All the mechanics seem awesome in my opinion. Pitch black, folding grass, ultra-realism, etc. It seems amazing, even if the combat and graphics aren't the greatest. It has some of the things I wish HCSMP/Minecraft would have to be honest. I know it's not much of a comparison but Minecraft's combat is still worse imo.
I hate the way whenever a zombie came towards them in that video it jittered from side to side. The game is either laggy as hell, or just shitty. The core Minecraft gameplay is enjoyable, but DayZ sounds like fun to hear about other people playing, but not to play yourself. The instant a game very much like this is made though, sans the flaws, I'll be playing nothing else for months.
I agree with you and I'm not going to deny its obvious flaws. I'm just really interested in playing it and inspires me to learn more about the ins and outs of UDK (or another engine but I'm most familiar with UDK). Even if done on a small scale, comprised of members from FH, it would be a blast. The netcode and collision detection is pretty terrible, and don't get me started on the inventory. Even an inventory manager like Skyrim would be better imo. Edit: Arma 3 is supposed to release Q4 of 2012 and since this game/mod is in Alpha/Beta, it makes me wonder what will happen.