I am really interested in buying this game. I know a lot of people who play it and would love to get into it. Once my paypal is verified, I'll probably buy this. I played it at a friend's and although it could be so much more polished, it's a blast. I love "hardcore" games. It makes it that much more intense imo.
Well, hey, this gives me a reason to install that copy of Arma II I got for free off GreenManGaming about a year back!
I finally got tired of playing this at a friends and bought arma 2 :CO just to play this. Im going to be looking for a NY based server for minmal lag. But what server(s) are u guys on. I want to compile of list so we can all meet up possibly
The lag is never really a problem I find. I've been on UK and RU servers with like 200+ ping and not have a single bit of lag surprisingly. And within the past 2-3 days they updated to 1.7.1 and then had two hotfixes, so now all of the servers are flipping the **** out. I can't find a good server on without getting kicked.
man i been playing this hardcore for a few days. the most reccnt hot fix fixed the super mega zombie problem and made flashlight a tool so u can have a makarov. If your interested in playing drop me a message on here i usually play with 1 or 2 other people and we are around Solnichniy grouping up before we head away from major cities.
You should at least be able to regenerate blood very slowly if you're well fed. That sucks. Why wouldn't it be? Arma 2 is boring, and if there were any other open-world FPS game that a mod like this could run on, it probably would have been designed for that instead. The day they design an entire game around hardcore open-world PVP survival multiplayer will be a happy one.
I have successful surivived for a long period of time ive teamed up with a friend and we are raiding through the major cities east of cherno. Ive amassed 30 zombie kills and 3 murders. all which yielded alot of important material. Ive been killed too many time by bandits that i just open fire first and only team with people in skype. i wanted to link you all some High Level DayZ play that makes my ****** tingle. DayZ Sniper Squad Gameplay ft. M24/DMR/Ghillie - YouTube My current Setup is Winchester 1886 with 3 boxes a M1911 with 5 clips (amazing pistol) and i got map/compass/matches/hatchet so wilderness survival is possible. Just got a toolbox so im trying to find fence wire to make a makeshift base. but otherwise im really loving this game the most recent hotfixes have really helped the zombie spawning. Also if you ever meet up with me you better be sure i know ur coming... or well ask my friend the first time we tried "meeting up"
I have it, but I rarely play it because if I get in on a world by myself with no teammates, then I get dumped on quick. And everytime I try to get on with friction he always does some **** and i just get off.
so it turns out on top of Hospital, roofs among the loot, are cardboard boxes FULL i mean full of medical equipment. Our group of three has about 9 blood bags between us and more then enough morphine and painkillers for good time. So i highly suggest looting hospitals and Farms because best early weapons are found in the Red-Roofed farm house [makarov/shotgun/enfield/winchester] If anyone was interested in meeting up today Ive given u my skype/steam names we will be moving north today so it might be a few days before we return to the coast
Actually, you do regenerate blood really slowly I believe. That, or they're going to introduce it. Blood packs aren't even that hard to come by though. Just loot a hospital and you will never have to give a **** about breaking your legs or losing too much blood. Anybody know where to find a DMR at? Does it only spawn inland?
This mod looks like it has alot of potential despite being in its alpha version. I like how it is an MMO style game. Also, I know that it's realistic, but I dislike "Perma-Death," it must be frustrating.