To all of you complaining about some of the sounds, Frankie said on Neogaf they're are being messed up whenever the videos are being compressed. He said they sound much better in game.
Dunno if this was posted already, but I don't feel like checking: "HALO 4" SNIPER RIFLE! FIRST LOOK! from E3 [MLGPRO BESTMAN POV] - YouTube Even with the compressed audio (really compressed in this particular video from the sound of it), the sound effect feels a bit off. It doesn't sound as scary as the snipers in the past have. Hopefully this will be beefed up. We also learn that with awareness, you can still use your radar even when zoomed in (or did we already know this? This is the first I'm hearing about it). Pretty sweet.
yeah its been posted, and yeah its been known previously. and i agree tsb, i dont think ill be playing infinity slayer much if any at all.
YEAH BABY! At first it looked like it was going to be a "Reach-sniper" again; easy to use (also for noobs), even easier to spoil and waste all bullets to body-shots instead of going for the headshot (which I absolutely hate about sniping in Reach: sooo many people don't even try to use it wisely). But it seems recoil is back so I'm VERY glad right now!! Sniping is going to be a challenge again Honestly I don't really care too much about what it looks like, I definitely do prefer the way it looked in Reach and this one looks very clunky and "stuffed", but to me it's mostly about the usage!
I'm all for that tbh. Reach seemed to think that a sniper rifle was also an anti-vehicle weapon, and it was so stable when you fired it that you could pretty much use it like a 2-hit shotgun at close range. This new sniper looks terrifying btw.
I think the problem in Reach was mainly due to the maps not being Sniper rifle maps. I mean, most combat scenarios on the maps in the Snipers playlist were close-mid range combat: Cage, Zealot, Countdown, Reflection... with the only two maps (boardwalk and Hemorrhage) that allowed you to utillise the scope and judge firing distance etc... Albeit, each of the close quarter maps had regions where you could have a long sightline, but those were far and few, and it was rare you could have that chance before someone ran up to you for the double beatdown... I'm also with the other guy a few posts up, the dude was such a terrible shot, it's hard to tell what the hit registration is like on this Sniper rifle, and whether it would seem easy to use or not...
It's tougher to use because H4 doesn't have the noob aim assist like Reach does. It's one of their first games, of course they're not going to be used to the game at first.
Source? The reports from the pros seemed to be mixed on the strength of the aim assist and bullet magnetism (the latter being what actually makes more of a difference in Reach, aim assist hasn't changed that drastically even from CE I understand). Best Man seemed to think that the BR was easier to use than the DMR, but I couldn't really work out the root of that assessment from what he was saying (nature of the gun or the way bullet magnetism works with it, idk). This is true.
Adding to this, "MULG PR0" players were apparently having to change their sensitivities around, because the aiming was much faster than they were used to, and Frankie seems pretty straightforward about the fact that the aiming mechanics and speed might not be representative of what we'll see in the final game. Either that or those guys should have found a sensitivity that actually worked instead of turning it straight to ten and wondering why they missed half the shots.
I hadn't heard that, and honestly I don't like the sound of it. Call my cynical, but I feel that what's more likely than them upping the speed overall is bringing aim acceleration back to H3 levels. Gonna be disappointed if so, but it seems odd that the pros wouldn't mention it since they've played Halo 3 and can therefore likely notice the difference between increased aim acceleration and increased speed overall.
To be fair, they don't seem to really be reporting the mechanics of the game, they just seem to be reporting the same things about AA's and perks, and making shameless plugs for youtube channels, because that's probably what gets them the most views on youtube. Oh, and talking with each other about how awesome they are and using the BR/Plasma Pistol combo in every single video. But that's to be expected.
I'm just sad that it seems like the DMR is going to be BiS again. BR looks rather weak from these videos so far as to be tied for the least useful with the AR. Carbine and SR look powerful but are being nerfed which will leave the DMR, already looking pretty powerful at all ranges, as the best untouched weapon.
Have you seen this one? Walshy Halo 4 Weapons Group Discussion - Hands-On w/ Bravo & BesT Man - E3 2012 - YouTube
Nope, but I have now. That's probably the best information video I've seen from these MLG guys. (Kind of psyched for the Storm-Rifle as my other primary now)
I'm pretty sure the Scattershot counts as a power weapon, something you can't spawn with. Like a sniper, or a Rocket Launcher.