Has forgehub ever considered making TGIF a nightly thing? Customs lobby could have loyals that host games on specific nights. I'm sure admins could think of some other responsibilities for the rank but mostly it would give people games to consistently play instead of matchmaking. Of course it's probably too late to implement in reach but for h4 it would be really nice.
This is a bit OT...I would consider making another thread for this. That being said, I would support it. And to ND, unfortunately, that's probably the truth. I don't think the average player cares that much match to match. The ones that do quit or hide. Still, in playlists like MLG and Squad, I bet the average player in those playlists would prefer party v party.
Invasion slayer on Paradiso. Why this gametype or map still exist I do not understand, especially as 90% of Invasion players want to play Invasion, not spawn-camp slayer.
Agreed. I just want to play invasion on the new maps, and it is so frustrating whenever it gets voted for. Another thing I don't understand is why people vote for Hemmorhage every damn time I play BTB. It's just such a bad map I can't bear to play it.
New maps in invasion!!!!?!!?! Holy **** what am I missing!!!!!!! Or are you just talking about breakpoint?
Asphalt getting into matchmaking is the worst thing ever. Yet it's what everyone in the lobby votes for. :/
Ive only played one game on asphalt and there was too much imbalance with vehicles and infantry but I have to disagree with you that it was the worst... Remember cragmire?
They both suck, and unfortunately they're both in BTB and people keep voting for them. As for Hemorrhage, I've said it before and I'll say it again: people vote for it because it's basically what most people want out of BTB. Lots of vehicles, lots of room in which to operate said vehicles. The Spire and Paradiso suck for non-flying vehicles and Boneyard isn't much better. Besides that, Hemorrhage offers a clear and easy-to-understand 2-base design with obvious strategies to control the map; comparatively, most of the other BTB maps (even the forged ones, Wayont excepted) are unnecessarily complicated. And many don't offer clear bases, which many players find comforting in BTB; a base gives you a place to spawn in/around and set up in, if you're not out enjoying a vehicle rampage, or if the other team has control of the middle. Valhalla was a better take on the same concept as Blood Gulch, but unfortunately Bungie saw fit to remake the inferior map in an inferior way for Reach. Pity - I would have much rather seen Valhalla again. But apart from Hemorrhage and kind of a couple of the forged maps (Wayont, Trident), Reach lacks BTB maps that play the way they ought to. We were spoiled in Halo 3 - Valhalla and Avalanche were excellent BTB maps (for my money the best Halo has ever had), and Rat's Nest was solid. I wasn't as much a fan of Sandtrap, though it was great for rocket race - but it still beats at least half of the BTB maps we have now.
Maybe not the worst, but noteworthy: Authetication Required Halo Official Site Classic unorganized vs team, but we started off with -1 because the guest jumped off the edge right at the beginning. Nobody cleaned up the kills I called out. Had a teammate betray me for a kill that he didn't get anyway. Houselikey I play against teams of individual players all the time that don't have **** like this happen, but it seems like I'm always paired up with idjits. I got a triple and a single though. Almost an extermination. Suppose it wasn't so bad...
haha well.... i was on hemmorhage and i was on a killing frenzy, had the sniper shot someone and it just missed there head, it richocead of 4 rocks and came back on shot me in the head i was very sad but in histerics at the same time [br][/br]Edited by merge: also, what i dont get is that we have amazing maps pop up on here and no doubt being put through to 343's testing to get into matchmaking and they choose the worst lot what are they on?!?!?!?!? finaly theyve chosen some good maps to put on matchmaking for invasion but why didnt they choose awsome maps like that for BTB etc. they should just choose us lot on FH to choose maps to go on matchmaking, community vote
Thx for the links I'm going to go play the **** out of the invasion playlist now. I'm quite glad they picked some great maps (the fact that they are by THFE probely helped though lol)
Hate when that happens. I submitted a clip of a WTF moment to machinima if they use it for episode 49 I'll post it here.
Whenever I go into matchmaking (I'm a general grade 4) I always get paired up with colonels or officers or other low-ranks. Every. Single. Time. Just pair me with other generals, dammit.
SAME, im a field marshal and i always get recruits and stuff i dont want to sound big headed..... but its always a slaughter fest.... i want a challange
The same thing happens to me but there is (I believe) a option to make it so it pairs you with people with equal skill.