DayZ - The Survivors - YouTube Official Mod Site So for those of you who aren't in the know DayZ is a mod for the game ARMA 2, and for lack of better word it's the most realistic zombie survival simulator ever. Think of it as a much more complex and better version of something like Dead Island. With the goal of the game being to survive, there's different factors that come into play and in order to survive you've got to make sure they're always in check. For instance, there's hunger meaning you have to eat when it gets too low, temperature so you'll need to use a heat pack or start a fire when you get too cold and blood so if you say start bleeding you'll need to bandage yourself up and then find blood packs in order to preform a blood transfusion so you don't die just to name a few. Add onto that the multiplayer aspect (you can be in a game with up to 50 people meaning you can either create survivor groups if you're a good guy or become a bandit and rob other people) and hundreds of zombies, the game proves to be pretty fun despite only being in Alpha. This guy does a better job at selling the game than I do: â—€ArmA 2 - DayZ Mod, First Impressions - YouTube Being looted at night time (night time is completely pitch ****ing black) Arma 2 DayZ Mod robbed at gunpoint and killed MUST SEE - YouTube Some night time gameplay (night/day is real-time and is dependent upon the server's time) Arma 2 Dayz Zombie Mod NightTime [HD 1080p] - YouTube The game and the expansion pack costs $30 over steam, I've heard of people getting the free version of Arma 2 and then buying just the expansion for $11 and being able to play DayZ. I've been playing the game for 6 or so hours with a group of 3 friends and we're having a great time. We haven't run into trouble with any other survivors so far but we generally never take our chances being nice guys as most people I've run into are looking to loot you. Anywho I recommend checking the game out at least if you've already got the base game and expansion, my steam ID is Rifte if you wanna add me.
I HAVE IT. I got it like 3 weeks ago, and i've pretty much been playing non-stop. I play on US5 and I usually and under the handle: Aulox
It's not common that a mod makes a game popular. I've only played it a bit. Mayble i'll install the mod again. I have problems authorizing mods while maintaining the steam launch for screenshots and the like, so i gave it up.
Matty, if you use the program on the site six updater, it updates the game automatically, downloads the maps, and gives you a list of servers to join. Six updater's much more convenient than downloading the files manually and having to launch the game through steam every time.
Holy **** I usually don't care much for zombie games but the realism in this mod is amazing if I owned a of I was allowed to use it would definantly get this.only thing is that the graphics were...meh.
I'm going to my friend's house tonight to check this out. Assuming I don't mind the glitches all that much I'm going to install windows on my mac and play this.
Just saw this on roosterteeth the other day. Looks pretty sweet albeit highly frustrating. Achievement Hunter · DayZ (Arma2 Mod)
That six updater is ****, quite honestly. I can't navigate anything through that launcher. And apparently a few really good servers I play on don't show up on that launcher and their all on 1.7.0. Also THE DAY Z SERVERS JUST GOT HACKED LIKE 5 HOURS AGO. TRIPPIEST **** I HAVE EVER SEEN. I literally felt like Satan was rising up to eat my soul. also @sarge, there will always be the glitches unless it's release as it's own game. The game is updated as Minecraft was in Beta, so the game is bound to get at least LESS glitchy. Rocket(the DayZ's Notch ) said that if the Arma II mod starts slowing down he would consider making a stand alone title. I think Bohemia would even take interest in helping out as well.
Played for about two hours... way too clunky for my taste. I literally died, by falling two feet off of stairs. The idea that if you get attacked and bleed, and can't heal up that blood loss without getting a transfusion, is pretty lame too. Good idea, terrible execution imo. That being said, I'd totally play it if I didn't have to go through the effort of installing windows on my mac AND buy the game, so it's just compounded with the horrible game mechanics that make it a no-go for me.
I think the idea was complete realism (except for the whole zombie part) behind the no healing thing.
Indeed. I would like to see an actual game dev studio work on a realistic zombie shooter, with basically the same premise. No bugs, better graphics, more frequent updates, and a higher player base most likely. It'd be pretty cool.
A small game company was trying to get the funds for a free roam mmo zombie shooter. It was going to be for ps3 xbox 360 and pc. The worlds would have been randomly generated. I forgot the name, though. [br][/br]Edited by merge:
Alpha. Not even beta yet, mod's been out for barely a month; bugs and crashes are pretty expected for now, but regardless the mod has SO much potential. Just give the game some time, new updates will come. If there's one thing that annoys me to no end though is how difficult it is to find your friends in a game.
meeting up with people is probably the hardest like you say but if you can coordinate on skype and get together and u quickly lot elctro or cherno and gtfo you'll have a blast.. tricks is surviving the initial entry into one of those major cities before you can be equipped to take on bandits or automatic weapons.
heh skype is terrible IMO for online gaming, I prefer teamspeak last night a couple people and I found a guy in the middle of electro on his own. We tried to mug him (was carrying some decent stuff), turns out he was working with a group of 6 or so who were hiding in the buildings around him. Needless to say we ended up getting mugged