The "Two Primary" weapons perk seems pretty powerful too. BR all day long, super-powered AR if they get really close or a run out of ammo.
Sigh, I think I'll stick to bumper jumper in H4, I used default in the beginning of reach, then switched bumper jumper and I love it. It seems like thruster pack sounds like a type of evade, therefor I wouldn't need the left bumper for an AA.
Well you have to keep in mind that some maps are symmetrical and some maps are asymmetrical. We didn't exactly define what is what in our discussion. True, in symmetrical maps people need to have mirrored weapons and things like rockets on The Pit need to be the same distance from each team, but maps that are asymmetrical need to have balanced counters. Yes Spire is broken due to not enough testing, I agree, but I still stand by both of my earlier statements. Hope my clarification helped.
Let's look at MW3. There's the ACR, MP7, Type 95 and FMGay9 and at the other side of the spectrum the AA-12, Dragunov, FAD and Riot Shield. I don't know what you're talking about.
And encounters where you can't see your opponent the entire time? We're talking about things like fighting round corners on Countdown, knowing when its worth chasing and reacting to one shot calls. Are you really saying that you never keep a mental tally of how much damage you've done (particularly when you take someone one shot) and how long you've got to keep going with that kill before a recharge kicks in? If so then that genuinely surprises me.
As i said, there is a visual indication when they are one shot or near-to. Why would i need to count my shots in a situation like that? Sure, in close 1v1 situations where you know your opponent is full shield, knowing how many shots you need to kill is effective in maintaining a safe proximity from cqb weapons, but i would have to concede that a close 1v1 battle with both players full shields is a rarity on Countdown. ****ing team shot all the way. And referring to one-shot calls from semi-blind team-mates.. you know me. I'd run in regardless.
I am not dissapoint. Also it's good to know that while there is all the new, they do keep much of the old in some playlists. Also that they are actively working to make Forge 3.0 better.
Seriously dude, you're lucky you've got a good shot . I still reckon there's more subconscious calculation and suchlike going on millisecond to millisecond in your head during battles than even you're accounting for. Plus you're still talking in terms of being able to see them the whole time, as if chasing round corners and knowing when to duck in/out of cover isn't more dominant in Reach (thank you, Sprint) than any previous Halo game.
That's what sounds were for though. You're supposed to be actively looking for the signs to know you've just hit an enemy with an explosive device when you can't see them. It's just making the game that bit easier so the game overall, requires much less skill to play and enjoy.
I was under the assumption that faster shield recharge didn't actually shorten the time from when the bullet hits you and your shields begin to recharge but rather shortens the time it takes from shields to go from empty to full.