I would be very happy with it as is if the clip size was throught down to 2 or 3. That might grant a lucky ranged kill, but really the most effective use would be the close quarters one or two hit kill. With 5 clips there is room for error and while you would use many shots, a kill from far too long distance. Im okay with it's power and range. In fact I rather like that part. I do not however enjoy the amount of rounds in a clip nor the total given.
*Begins to realize I said something stupid *Use the semantics argument That's what us pros do. In regards to the scattershot, I totally agree that the amount given as well as the amount it can hold is insane. Maybe not so much as a range reduction, but a slight damage nerf would satisfy me. Now that we've seen what the ordinance dropped scattershot can do, I'm really curious as to how the actual shotgun will perform. ...... or was it shown already and I just haven't seen it?
I haven't seen the Scatter Shot being OP like you guys have said, all I've seen is somebody take like four shots at someone twenty feet away and not pop their shields, just like the old Shotgun. Can somebody reference a certain point in a video showing it being ridiculously too strong or something?
I do believe they are going off the fact that it looks badass... which it most certainly does. There's really no way to tell whether or not it's OP until you play the game. Unless of course they tell us it will be stronger than the rocket launcher... but that could just mean they nerfed the rocket launcher to... nerf level.
No modern shooter ever gets released and the weapons are perfectly balanced, because there's no way to test ease-of-use and effectiveness with small samples in closed alpha and beta tests. Halo, Call of Duty, Battlefield, all of them get updates post-launch. I wouldn't worry about weapon balancing until a few months after the game is available; probably early 2013.
Ditto ^ That thing looks intense. The BR just looks like a glorified AR at this point lol Looks more like Perfect Dark's Farsight XR-10 to me, without the automatic target acquisition. I mean, I can see the similarity in the aesthetic to ODST's ViSR, but the functionality.. Holy crap the functionality... lol I hope they end up putting Promethian vision or whatever they end up calling it in specific gametypes instead of nerfing the living daylights out of it. It looks really fun, but it also looks like it ruins all the elements of map control that make Halo matches have any sort of structure.
List of button schemes as taken from that MLG video. Spoiler Default Boxer Bumper Jumper Green Thumb Recon Southpaw They all seem pretty bad to me. I don't see why 343 felt the need to take AA from X and put them on the left trigger, while putting grenades on X for Bumper Jumper.
I heavily think that sprint and armor ability should switch on the Recon setting. That doesn't make sense to me at all. Other than that, it's my ideal settings. (I know, I'm not pro, I suck, etc)
I'm with TSB, Sprint on X will get some getting used to. It's logical considering LB was the AA button in Reach, but they've made sprint permenant becausde everyone used it as their AA, right? Therefore people will instinctively use LB for sprinting surely?
Actually I'm fine with the default setting. Great that they do have at least a decent amount of preset configurations. too bad consoles still don't really support custom control settings. Edit: Recon is looking pretty nice though...
I haven't looked at the control schemes yet, but mainly I want most of the buttons to do the same things they did in Reach. When you play hundreds of hours of a game, it's hard to adjust.
Bumper Jumper is a joke. They put AA on the left trigger and bump grenade to the face buttons? Who on earth thought that was a good idea? Default looks the most useable simply because the above is retarded, but taking Jump off the bumpers is going to KILL my play. If they don't have custom controls or some other schemes in the works then I'm gonna throw one hell of a hissy fit.
I just want to be able to shotgun a zombie, without dying right afterwards because it still registers a sword hit. Is that too much to ask? (I'm pretty sure it had something to do with latency problems in reach)
I think it had to do with the action-trade window (the time window in which an action which happened after another action on the host box can still register) being quite wide to help alleviate latency issues. I maintain that they went too far, that they created more problems than they solved with this mechanic.
Take Bumper Jumper, put nade back on LT, AA to A, Sprint to X, and it's fine. A for AA would be a bit harder to get used to, but it's better than taking up LT in my book. I already use X to sprint (if it's like Reach, you can tap to engage/disengage sprint or hold; it worked fine on a face button); and Bumper Jumper players are probably all used to limited AA usage because of their presence on the face buttons. These controls imply AAs will require a lot more usage considering they seem to be placed on the triggers/bumpers in all control schemes. I don't like that.