Me again, with yet another drawing for you all. This time it's the cute and shy Lynette Bishop from the Strike Witches. As usual, hand drawn with pencil and scanned in. This image took me quite a few attempts to get right as it may be apparent with all the faint rubbing out lines. I still haven't got the hang of using the pencil lightly until I'm happy with what I've done. I also need to change my drawing method, starting with the head shape and then then eyes, rather than the hair as that keeps on messing up my drawings. Mistakes were made during this one but overall I'm really happy with the final outcome. Go be all CnC and stuff. I'm going to have a play around in Photoshop and Illustrator with this image. I'm looking at a way to get the lines to stand out a little more and make the paper a little whiter. I'm also considering attempting to colour the image in fully, using the reference image for the correct colours. If I manage to produce anything half decent I'll make sure you all get to see my handiwork. Reference Image: Spoiler
Looks very outline-y, it could use darkening, shading, etc. That chin looks a little odd, not going to lie. You've curved 'er too much Proportions look alright, as far as anime goes, you should work on details or coloring or somethin' to make it a little more interesting.
Another headshot? Regardless, it looks alright. The chin looks weird in one part, and it definitely could use some more coloring.
Yeah, I always draw bigger than I intend to because I start with the wrong features. Must remember to start with the eyes. The next drawing I'm planning to try a full body sketch. Yeah, I ****ed up the chin really bad and I just realised I missed off some definition on her ponytail. I'm going to be colouring this one in using Photoshop as I don't own a decent set of colours. I'll post that when it's done.