Hello everyponyeveryone, my map "The Elusive Rats" is still in development. But I figured it would be nice to share how I am currently setting up the mechanism that makes the map work like it does. Some stuff you should know first: - I am making this map using the Insane Haloball gametype. - In this gametype, I can set ANY object as a Haloball goal or as a Haloball objective. - Movable goals and objectives does indeed mean moving goals and objectives. - When an objective interacts with the shape of a Haloball goal or kill boundary, it despawns said objective object. - Objects set as Haloball objectives will always despawn 60 seconds after they respawn. - Players can pick up armor abilities set as Haloball goals and carry the goal with them. What the mechanism is for: Basically, what I'm designing the mechanism to do, is, when a player carrying a armor ability set as a Haloball goal passes over the mechanism, the mechanism will "activate". Copies of the mechanism are placed at every intersection in the map, and, when they are activated, a wall will spawn in at the said intersection. Which basically means, as the player moves around the map and passes through the intersections, he starts to draw out a map/maze. What objects are used in the mechanism: - The main wall that is seen and used in the map area, with a respawn setting of 1 second, treated as an objective. - The main goal, a Die(movable), respawn setting of 1 second, a cylindrical "shape" that is just large enough to reach up to the center of the wall mentioned above. - The main platform, a 2*2 Block, respawn setting of 3 seconds, set as an objective, which is holding up the main goal mentioned above. - A small movable objective, street cone, respawn setting of 1 second, treated as an objective, used with a soft kill boundary to constantly maintain active physics on nearby movable objects. - A soft kill boundary, placed in a way where it can only interact with the street cone mentioned above, it causes the street cone to constantly respawn, fall, then despawn, which maintains the physics on nearby movable objects. - Another movable objective, in this case, a camping stool, placed on top of a side rail to the main platform, designed to fall down if the rail were to despawn. - A side "rail", a small rail, respawn setting of 2 seconds, treated as an objective, placed right beside the main platform, holds up the camping stool mentioned above, if this side rail despawns, the camping stool will fall down. - A secondary platform, placed a little bit underneath the main platform, in this case, a 2*2 block, respawn setting of 1 second, treated as an objective. - A destructible goal, in this case, a trip-mine, physics set on fixed, respawn setting of 10 seconds, treated as a goal, given a box shape pointed downwards just large enough to envelope the center of secondary platform mentioned above. How the mechanism works: The main goal is constantly scoring in the wall, so you never see nor interact with the wall so long as the goal is there to score it. So the player carrying Armour ability treated as a goal passes over the mechanism, which causes him to despawn the Main platform, the camping stool objective, and the side rail all at once, which allows the main goal placed on top of the Main platform to fall down, when it falls, the wall that was being constantly scored in is free to spawn in and it becomes a part of the map. The main goal will respawn on its own eventually, causing the wall to once again despawn and the mechanism can be used again. That much is simple, and doesn't require all the objects used in the mechanism. But then the much more complicated concept comes in, the 60 second despawn on all Haloball objectives, and how I countered it to make sure the walls don't spawn in on their own. Basically, when the player passes over the mechanism, he deletes the main platform, the side rail, and the camping stool objective placed on top of the side rail. But on the other hand, if the mechanism is left alone for 60 seconds, the 60 second despawn timers start firing off for each part of the mechanism. So this is what I did, I set the Main platform to a respawn time of 3 seconds, and the side rail to a respawn time of 2 second, which basically means, if all the objects were to be deleted at the same time, the side rail will respawn 1 second before the main platform. But this also means that the side rail will despawn 1 second before the main platform, this is extremely significant, because this allows the camping stool placed on top of the side rail to fall down 1 second before the goal placed on the main platform does. When the camping stool falls down, it lands on top of that tripmine I set as a Haloball goal, which causes the tripmine to blow up(despawn), allowing the secondary platform, placed right underneath the tripmine/main platform, time to spawn in, because of this, the Main platform despawns at the exact same time the secondary platform respawns, and the Main goal will fall down ontop of the secondary platform. Then the side rail will spawn back in right after the Main goal falls on top of the secondary platform, then 1 second after, the Main platform spawns back in and clips into the Main goal, which causes the Main goal to lift back up to the top of the Main platform and is in place to constantly score the wall again. 1 Second after the Main platform respawns the camping stool will respawn, and then some odd seconds after that the tripmine will respawn again, causing the secondary platform to once again constantly be scored and deleted. Which puts the mechanism back to its idle status again. I hope this explanation wasn't too confusing. Share opinions please. EDIT: WOW!!! Now that I give the title of this thread a closer look, its seems rather dirty.
I'm afraid quite some people will think "TL;DR", but I took the time and it sounds very promising! Neat way to create this mechanism, it sounds annoying to forge all the time if you want to use multiple ones in a map (which could be great for a cool minigame) but I definitely like the idea. Great job.
TL;DR Just playing. I did read it and it sounds very impressive. I'm interested in seeing this in-game, add me on Live (itsDaxx).
It's amazing how complicated this game is yet it plays so simple. This was a real treat to test out and I would recommend this map any day.