Br is 4sk. Dmr is 5sk. They are balanced by the fact that the BR is going to kill faster if all of its bullets land makes it the clear choice for medium range. The DMR takes five shots, but you don't have to worry about missing one or two of your shots in the burst. Making it the obvious choice for long range. The assualt rifle has been beefed up to take the short range. It's actually the best way to balance the three main starting choices. Edit: my phone loves to accidentally words.
and the covey carbine fires faster and seems to take about 6 or 7 shots to kill. it looks like it kills a bit faster than the dmr or br if all shots are hit, but more shots to kill means more opportunity to miss shots.
This is what my control scheme would be if 343 let us create custom schemes and let us view third person. Right Trigger - Fire Weapon Left Trigger - Melee Right Bumper - Reload / Action (Pick-Up, Drive, Interact) Left Bumper - Armour Ability 'A' Button - Jump 'B' Button - Switch Grenades 'X' Button - Throw Grenade 'Y' Button - Spawn / Third Person Left Analog Stick - Crouch Right Analog Stick - Zoom D-Pad Up - Sprint D-Pad Right - Switch Weapons D-Pad Left - Switch Weapons D-Pad Down - Cancel Assassination
Halo 4 Overshield in Action - YouTube I'm assuming this is likely subject to tweaking, but I seriously hope they tone that invincibility down.
that doesnt seem very efficient. you have to stop moving in order to sprint and switch weapons. thats why most faced paced games, first person shooters in particular, dont ever map major controls to the d pad
Im not liking some of the sounds im hearing. Some of them seem a little too exaggerated. Yes i know its a sci-fi shooter, but it seems like too much IMO. And how weird did the disembodied voice guy sound saying overshield? In Bungie's Halo, he sounds like a badass. In 343i's Halo, he sounds like a high hippie from the 70's. I hope some audio changes come into play, but only time will tell.... EDIT: You know, im just starting to realize that Halo is no longer Bungie's. When I pick up Halo 4, and start using 343i's Halo community, im going to feel really home sick. Im going to start reminiscing about the good ol' days with Halo 2, then Halo 3, straight to Reach. I dont know if I can handle seeing 343 Industries on the main menu of Halo instead of Bungie. It's going to take a lot for me to get comfortable with the setting. What about you guys?
i honestly couldnt care less about who is behind a game. the actuall game is all that matters to me. if the game is fun and balanced, im happy.
I completely agree, when we all first heard about what they are doing to Halo we where like "nooooo, this is going to horrible" Then we see it and we learn to cope with it like this might be a good thing. More news, oh the game is going to be terrible we think, then later news well it looks fine. I'm used to playing Halo PC, I came from that to Reach. Big change, now we just have to wait more for H4 news to be released.
That's fine, as I know you have valid experience when it comes to map design and have provided logical feedback as to why you feel this way. Transhuman Plus was simply calling them "****" without any reasons or logic behind his claim, let alone any experience to back it up with.
Me and Shuman collaborated on a multitude of competitive maps, which numerous highly regarded Forgers within this community have liked, that we have not published. To call in to question his inexperience with maps exemplifies your ignorance. I really didn't like the maps either, a lot of the reasons SS stated. And oh God.... that OS....
Question: With the point system, it seems like points only go on the scoreboard if it's a kill. So the extra 5 points awarded to the player for assassinations,assist, distraction, those are like the cR you gain to buy ****?
The videos were of both Infinity slayer, and regular slayor. Infinity slayer you get "Style" points and you play to 500 (I think.) A kill is 10 points, and the way you kill them, depends on how many additional points you get. They said a grenade is an extra 5 points. And Slayer is just regular slayer. 1 kill = 1 Point.
I don't think it's fair to him to say he dosen't have experience because he didn't post a map before.thats like me saying you suck at halo without ever seeing your skills. You do not know his skills so I don't think it's fair for you to say he has no experience in competitive maps.