Yeah people could play it wednesday just none of the pros did. I really want to see some gameplay from that map though. Looks like my favorite of the three.
I've also found it irritating that none of them are using the DMR. From what I've seen, it's incredibly powerful on maps like Haven. I wish these pros would try and let us see more of the weapon sandbox in action instead of playing it as if it were some straight MLG match. I guess they're just excited to have the BR back, because almost everyone is BR, Magnum, Frags, and Promethean Vision.
Ya when I first heard full gameplay I immediately wanted to see some longbow just for the vehicle action...
Yeah, I saw that clip Cryppy! posted earlier. Pretty much the only solid DMR footage. That thing looks beast and I'm loving the redesign with that green ammo counter and scope. I'm thinking I'll end up using it more than the BR.
Sorry diehard h3 lovers, I'm on team Dmr for this one [br][/br]Edited by merge: Ya know. I recall mentioning that promethian vision would be like Odst vision, but nobody listened. The only difference is that it can kinda trace heat and works in daylight.
I like that they slimmed down the FOV, but Adrift is a shitty map, and Haven isn't that much better. Needs more... Guardian-ness.
the largest and most important difference is that the VISR couldnt see through walls. i'd call that a fairly significant difference, enough that id say theyre basically nothing alike. VISR was essentially just night vision, PV is quite different. also i think i'll be team covie carbine
i doubt it. haven seemed quite symmetrical, the main characteristic of guardian/lockout/that one map on forgeworld that i forget the name of is that they are asymmetrical with catwalks and larger platforms and some individual rooms. haven has some long hallways and a platform. haven reminded me more of assembly or zealot. i know it wasnt symmetrical on 2 axis, but im pretty sure it was on 1
Me too! I have to say, those loadouts might not be that bad. They will definitely change up gameplay and can enhance the role of a certain loadout. For example, one could have a marksman with DMR and Promethean Vision or a rusher with AR and Hardlight Shield.
Lol, says the guy who hasn't even posted a competitive Forge map. How can you say a map is shitty when you haven't even played it? Especially Adrift, which is a pretty dim map where you can hardly tell all the details from a game-play video. Insofar, the map design isn't glaringly bad enough to make an immediate judgement and the players are generally still getting used to the new settings and whatnot, so judging it by the current game-play we've seen isn't really viable either. Sorry, but any opinions on a map sucking or not sucking yet are complete BS, especially when the person commenting on them has no notable level-design experience to back it up.
I did notice that there was a perk that allowed you to pick up ammo from dropped weapons. That means that we can't by default! OH NOOO!!!!
im fairly sure you're talking about the perk that lets you pick up grenades from dead bodies, and you can't otherwise. im pretty sure you can always pick up ammo, not positive though.
I'm up in the air on the maps... Adrift looks like a pile of **** to me. Pretty looking ****, but **** none the less. Haven looks more satisfying, but it still a little... Meh. Haven for the most part looks good. Here's a few positives: -Open spaces -Cross Map lines of sight -Connectivity (top mid is approachable from 6 routes) -Seems to take a lot from Zealot and Narrows -Top mid is more a distinct power position than on Zealot My issues with Haven: -Hallways are too segregated from the rest of the map. The windows don't expose them enough. -Lack of distinct power positions -Lack of counter power positions -Lack of distinct color variation And for the **** map Adrift... Positives: -Pretty looking -Large central atrium -Inverse sym -"bases" are large and open Negatives: -Too big -Hallway based -Plethora of choke points -"bases will be campable -lack of distinct power positions -hallways all look similar -lack of distinct color variation -very dark lighting I've got mixed feelings about how the maps will turn out. While I am most certainly satisfied with Haven as it looks decent enough, I'm horrified by Adrift. The snowy BTB map looks cool as well. Would have liked to seen some more footage from that. I'm hoping for a new forge tool that puts Reach's forge to shame... Something we can make legit maps with that will actually please you guys for a change. And yes Lynx, I am judging the maps already. I think after watching 8 POV gameplays, all the e3 vids and the 3 commentated games @MLG, we can certainly begin to judge the maps.
^ Like you judged the entire game before E3. How all those judgements go by the way, Call of Halo 5 was it? And before being called an ass I think I deserve this one seeing as the "just wait" approach has revealed more information and garnered more positive opinion then when we had vague words to go by and I was being insulted every time I didn't say halo sucks.
Guys, cmon. Everything you think is bad isn't bad. It's in beta. Oh wait, I mean alpha, pre-alpha sorry. It's in pre-alpha because the game isn't finished, so everything in the game is just placeholder. That means that they haven't gone and done stuff like balacing etc. Therefore the graphics will be even better than you think, because graphix impr0ve from pre-alpha to beta (alpha is when it is all nearly done, and beta is the last versin of teh game) You arn't allowed to say anything bad. Cuz it isn't finished yet. That happens when the game is in Charlie. Durp. <3, 70% of gamers and fanboys. Spoiler I hope to hell you got the sarcasm
Hahaha no **** Oli. I thought we went over this several times. This thread is for mulling over what we're given. It's a moot point to constantly come in and go "hey just wait til the game comes out before you say anything" when it's a discussion thread and we all know we're doing so based on limited information. It's obvious, I don't see how anybody would think their speculation is "absolutely what's going to happen," even if they phrase it as such. Frankly, pestering us with "the game isn't even out yet" type comments is pretty insulting. So let us speculate.