- Aim assist seems to be greatly reduce - "Derping" is now near impossible - Killtimes look great - Bloom on the pistol, but it actually looks useful Cool beans. But that damn promethean vision... I'm not liking it.
So far I love the weapon sounds. Everything looks great. But I can see promethean vision being really annoying and being excluded from any MLG gametypes right off the bat. Its kind of a cheap tactic. @ Nutduster. The fuses on the nades look pretty short still... lol
So far this looks pretty great, just that the promethean vision has more range and shorter reboot times than I would like. All of the weapons sound better than any other Halo game in my opinion.
After watching all those videos, I'm not nearly as concerned with Promethean Vision as I was initially. I was surprised how different they made the rockets and I really want to see the sniper in use.
It may just be that map/game, but I didn't see too many weapon drops. The lack of incentive could create some stale games IMO. They've already brought this up in the podcast, but Im still uneasy about it. Everyone with PPs too, meh.
Honestly, the only things I'm apprehensive about are the two perk systems. Other than that I can just avoid certain game types. But those perks? Man, I'm not liking any of them.
Really on the killtimes? I watched Elamite on Haven it they seemed insanely long to me except to the occasional teamshot. I also hate the grenade notification and the grenades look similar in throwing style and explosion to reach..shitty. Love the jump height though. Edit: Actually might be just the BR or just Elamite. Hoaxer with carbine looked good.
I hope this game is as big of a kick as what it is meant to be. I'm too excited to be disappointed. I guess 343 have done what we (the community) have asked: more new things. I do wonder if it will make it or break it though. From the trailers it all looks as fast and smart as the other games from the series so I'm really looking forward to it.
I could get over most things except sprint. I hate sprint. The maps now look massive to accomodate for it too. They're full of huge rooms and tons of hallways.
I don't know if it's because it's a controlled E3 demo or because of the players, but I really hope to see more weapons being used. I feel like outside of the weapons you spawn with, and an occasional power weapon, you don't see anything being used.
I would also just like to say that the hard light shield is such a better change from Armor Lock, and the thruster pack a wonderful change from the jet pack. Loving how they changed the armor abilities, even with my reservations over some aspects of promethean vision. I would assume its largely because its a limited E3 demo, but I agree with you on this. Of course I imagine forge will allow us to have all sorts of shooty toys even if MM doesnt.
I'm going to go with that it's because of the players on this one. We had seen previous footage of other weapons being used, but because it was MLG playing this, I doubt they can see anything other then a BR/Pistol combo being useful to them. In one of the videos, the host had to ask to see the player using another weapon. On the topic of MLG playing this, I was kind of disappointed they didn't play any games on the BTB map Longbow(?) not once out of the 5 matches. I know MLG avoids anything to do with BTB like the plague, but come on. I would have loved to see vehicles in action and watching how they played out.
I just hope the community doesn't carry on the mentality it's had since Halo 3 where they refuse to pick up a weapon at all times. I remember Halo 2 matches where I'd always be encountering something different every enemy. Since 3, It's always primary weapon with an occasional power weapon. I miss diversity.
Well, from what we've seen so far they've pretty much killed off the intermediate weapons. Everything seems to be starting/secondary or power-esque weapons.