Reach Forge Map: Horizon - YouTube It was originally designed to be for invasion, but several friends insisted it was far too small for that, and would suit slayer/team slayer. I also added some Head hunter in there for more variety.
I think the character of an Invasion map has transitioned well into a Slayer map which makes this stand out. Most Slayer maps now-a-days barely have any character at all.
I don't see how this was originally supposed to be an Invasion map. it's not about size, but about the design of the map, which doesn't appear t have been created with Invasion in mind. That aside, though, this looks rather nice. it does have some character, and I think it'll make for some nice 4v4 skirmishes. It would be a lot more interesting in your videos if you just showed a quick flythrough of the map and then transitioned to gameplay though.
Well you're going to need lobbies to test the map anyways, so either you get lobbies and get footage as a bonus, or you don't get lobbies in which case making a video or a map in the first place is pointless anyway.