Interesting bit about the thruster pack only launching you forward. I've heard reports from E3 that people have been using it to launch themselves up a floor.
Ugh, I still don't like that Armor. Give me ODST/Mk 5 A or B please. New stuff looks silly to me. But, on the bright side, that's now closer to being the bigger concern I have with multiplayer. Closer. I've made peace with the AAs (Still want a no AA no sprint playlist or two), and I like that nades cannot be picked up off of dead guys without that perk according to Walshy. That's nice. It's the only reason I support perkish things so far! Oh, but that Sprint perk/sprint in general Walshy mentioned? The 8 secs or so sprint with an ability to gain infinite? Not liking that. Well, I suppose if that slowdown they talked about is serious enough, that won't be a problem. Speaking of which, has anyone heard anything about sprint slowdown when shot? It is still there? I haven't see anything on that.
Wait a sec, how are the Prometheans Forerunner warriors? In the gameplay footage from E3, Cortana says "whatever it is, it's not organic" when you first see one, that would mean it isn't a forerunner because they are organic life forms, unless I'm missing something somewhere that says they're not organic either.
They are robots in the warrior class so they could be viewed as Promethean. I thought the Knights were organic, but I guess not. I was confused to when they tagged them as Prometheans.
im fairly sure they were just defense robots similar to sentinels, but designed and created by prometheans or a promethean (the didact), which gives them the name "promethean ___", much like how the sentinels were called "forerunner sentinels" by some. the sentinels werent forerunners themselves, just created by them. same idea with promethean. side note: does anyone else think of Prometheus and Bob anytime they hear or read "promethean"?
I think 343i played us with that demo. The didact could have EASILY destroyed chief after it scanned him. I think there is an ulterior motive here, maybe even like a gravemind type thing. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Also this. Partial Nudity????
Awh, was kind of hoping it would be Chief :/ Oh well, I guess cortana will do /joke. On a serious note, to whoever said 343 might not have spent time upgrading Forge because they didn't talk about it at E3 (apologies, I'm on my phone) - maybe they just wanted to use all their time showing off what they've done with the campaign and overhauled multiplayer. I wouldn't doubt that considering how much bigger a change Halo 4 is from Reach compared to Reach from Halo 3. So there were a lot more important things that needed to be addressed than forge this time around. But given the way 343 has been impressing us lately with everything I suspect they've been tweaking Forge for the better.
theyll show improvements to forge later. showing everything at once is a terrible marketing strategy.
If you remember, the Forerunners used Sphinxes (non organic fighting machines) in combat, which could easily be run by a meta-ai as an army or individually by smaller AI's or subroutines or somesuch. It would also make sense any organic forerunner are dead by now, leaving behind their instruments of war.