There's a part in one of the videos where a player fires an explosive round from a pistol. This settles on the floor with which a radar is opened up on the gun indicating enemy player proximity on the explosive. The player then detonates the round when necessary. Basically, the grenade launcher has been made easier to kill people with now, and it looks different.
Besides the fact it doesn't shoot as far and it doesn't EMP enemies or vehicles and it sticks to things and it takes time to arm, exactly the same. More differences TBA.
I didn't see it stick... I could have sworn he bounced it into the floor and the wall so it landed just away from the corner as the enemy walked around. I didn't pay much attention to it 'arming' mind. And, I haven't seen anywhere state it doesn't have EMP anymore? Do you have a link for this weapon's attributes?
Yea. That weapon is called the Sticky Detonator. It's the same weapon from the original teaser trailer. Still similar to the GL though. If you go too through the renders at 343s website then you'll find this weapon there.
Not sure if this has been posted, but I'll spoiler it. Shows some loadouts. Spoiler [br][/br]Edited by merge: Considering he has to land in a few feet, that pose looks full-retard.
since when was 4chan a loadout? I think he could be practising setting up dominoes in a really cool way, hence the knee pads.
You could easily justify Elites in multiplayer. Just have them be part of the "simulation" as potential enemies. Also, most Elites are humanity's allies; it's not too far fetched that there might be some Sangheili on board the Infinity training with the Spartans, is it??? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Hey man, the Halo general at /vg/ is actually pretty useful, and the guys are total bros. They helped me test my map and everything.
I didn't think it was ugly to begin with. I don't mind if the armor looks striking or not as long as it looks functional.
Oh ****.... Walshy Halo 4 E3 Day 2 - More Multiplayer Details! Weapons, Loadouts, Abilities, & More! - YouTube
Scout looks more like Halo 3. This pleases me. I hated Scout in Reach. Recon looks okay too, but the rest don't really look very Spartan-ey. In fact, a couple look more like Promethian Knights than Spartans, IMO. And I imagine everybody will be wearing that Soldier one. It feels like the next step from EVA-C.
Is... is that... is that... that is.. that's.. THAT's RECON!11!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH111111 Spoiler REALLY, they're still dragging this on?
There wasn't grenade spam in Reach. It may have felt that way because of how often you can be killed by them, but ultimately, thats because of how much damage they did and the huge area that damage was present. I'm sure it was present in things like Multi-team and similar, more casual based playlists, but anything even remotely competitive didn't. That being said, I hate the sound of having to have certain things active just to perform certain actions. Sounds like a shitty way for them to counter bringing more grenades into the game.
I do understand this completely, but personally I dont mind the restriction. Grenades are a support tool, but in Reach they were used as a main weapon, with any survivors taken out with guns. Limiting usage of your grenades would make them more valuable and thus the player more careful about when to use them and how. Not to mention that I too felt there was grenade spam in Reach (and often in H3 too) so this would certainly solve that.