The game can be annoying as anything. Need moar casual gaming. Doesn't help that my friends are too damn serious
Yeah, I'm one of those "too damn serious" types. I do enjoy myself in a lot of competitive games, though (such as BFBC2), so I don't think the aggravation problem is on my end. Well, maybe my crappy internet connection has something to do with it. I swear I would be twice as good at most online shooters if I had a good connection...
Questions, is this worth a buy on Xbox 360? Or is the community for that game on Live already dead? And if I do, would it be necessary to buy DLC?
Yes No way is the community dead. Best played with a couple of friends for maximum enjoyment. Not really. But the DLC is still worth it.
Play it with friends. Tons of servers active, but unfortunately, said servers are run by people and there are few "official dice" servers left. Most of the time, that's okay, but sometimes that means you get kicked by an admin or your team decimated (i.e. teamswitched) by one. DLC is not necessary but it's worth it. Return to Karkand has the best maps by far.
At first I thought you missed where I specified Xbox 360, but then I did a little research. Neat! This seems kind of unfortunate that the developer isn't even bothering to a majority of the servers though. I tend to like vanilla and tend to not like the power being held in a third parties hands.
There's four expansions NOT including Karkand. Each valued at $15 and all provide more content than what a Halo Reach DLC would get you for the same price. Without premium, you're spending a good $60. Getting all those extra expansions plus some other goodies for $50 is downright awesome. So unless you already have one foot out the battlefield door, go buy premium damnit. Besides, you'd probably end up blowing that $50 on other **** you don't need.
I already bought back to Karkand, don't plan on buying Close Quarters, but plan on buying this new one coming out in september (?) depending if I still play the game then, which hopefully I do
Yeah but Aftermath looks to be single player/cooperative content, not multiplayer. They haven't said this, but the way they described it and how it wasn't announced with close-quarters, armored kill, or endgame as a multiplayer expansion makes me think it isn't any multiplayer content. That being said, for all the people who really only care about multiplayer, it doesn't make sense to buy Premium until we know exactly what Aftermath will include.
I liked Onslaught. Great way to mess around by yourself or with a couple friends without having to actually try hard. I would prefer that to more co-op/campaign missions.
Is anyone else getting an error about corrupt saves and having all their control schemes reset every time they load up the game? (On the 360) It's doing my nut as I play with a slightly odd set-up for the vehicle controls as I find it easier to play that way. (I use lefty buttons for the ground vehicles and lefty buttons and sticks for flying)
Go to your system memory and delete the save game file. You'll lose any progress in the campaign, but it'll fix the corrupt data.
I just got Battlefield Premium and I'm pretty happy with it. The new maps are ok, Scrapmetal is my favorite. Gun master is also tons of fun, I like it more than gun game.
I've been apprehensive about this Premium deal, and now that it's out I still think the same. Other players using awesome new weapons to pwn me sideways because they payed for them (plus i'm already not the best competitive gamer) = not fun for me. True, I have weapons I can use already but damn. ****'s annoying, they've downgraded imo. Guess it's back to Halo 3 :]