I set aside money for it. I figured if I'm going to get the DLC anyway, I might as well get it earlier, cheaper, and with some worthless perks.
I didn't plan on buying all the DLCs... eh, I may end up rethinking this. 20 maps is a lot, but still, 50 bucks.
You'd pay triple that for any other game DLC of that size. For the same price on Reach you would only get the equivalent of 15 maps going by previous DLC prices and content. You also get all the fun gimicky stuff.
I think BF3 is taking up a good fourth of my hard drive right now. Can I delete the past updates after I install the new one, or does it need the whole of, like, 10 gigs.
To clarify, I don't think Aftermath is actually a multiplayer addition. It's too early to tell, though.
Close-Quarters seems like its going to be extremely epic. Sometimes, vehicles can be a little annoying in BF3, thats why I like playing Operation Metro. The infantry only maps are going to be great. Edit: Lets not forget, new weapons for cheap players to abuse as well. Im a little afraid of the $50 price tag though...
Bought it. Immediately realize that there's no way I can contract buyers remorse. Too bad I have to wait another week to play CQ, but it's having issues anyway. Thank goodness the PS3 users get it a week early to deal with the bugs and connection issues. FYI the premium knife is gorgeous.
I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO. ive put in 180hrs into bf3 i havnt played in say... 4-5 months but i still love the game.... hmm 40 for new maps or 65 for a new game.... i just dont know i might just say **** it and flip a coin
Not getting it. I'd rather have a new game. I've also pretty much gone off BF3. Just the general twitchyness and campyness on it. Too repetitive imo. With friends its the best multiplayer game, but for occasional gaming i'm lost for a game.
I only play it with friends, I won't play it solo. That's the case with most games I play, Halo being the exception when I'm into it, but it's especially true with BF3. I don't think I've had more fun ****ing around in an otherwise competitive setting, and the best part is I usually go MVP by playing so wrecklessly and such. It's awesome. But again, I think it requires friends to play with. I'm fairly sure I'll be getting the premium service because the value seems to far supersede that which elite presented.
I think I'll pass on Premium. I am not interested in Close Quarters and I don't want to end up being disappointed with the last two map packs that we know next to nothing about. I also don't really feel the need to get Close Quarters just for those new guns as I am perfectly happy with the amount of guns I can choose from as it is. And all that pointless crap you get with Premium, I just don't need that. However, this may change next week if I end up feeling pressured into getting Premium from friends getting it.
I'm in this boat, and leaning towards Oli's decision. I very rarely play it, usually get aggravated when I do, and I already have Karkand, so it's not a "good deal" for me.